Jenk6225 ★
Yeah, but they released 5* wolverine in the crystal bundles to IOS users today. I'm pretty sure they did the same thing with DS and Thor OG before they put them in the featured crystal. I'd be surprised if he isn't in the featured crystal.
I found out yesterday in case people may not know for AA. In 6.1.1 he cancels out the no retreat node with his neurotoxin. I was able to dash back as much as I wanted with no degen. 😁
You can definitely use the amazon card to buy a play card with emailed code. I've done that myself in the past.
IGN - Jenk6225 Would love to get 2 GGCs since all the ones I've opened so far have given me **** and maybe you'll give me luck. 🍀 Getting a 5/65 Corvus to help me to Elders Bane and Cavalier titles. 😁
Didn't we have it in January of this year? I seem to remember that.
You seem to be missing the point everyone is trying to make to you. The arena compensation was included in the general compensation package. If you cant understand that, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you lost a few thousand battle chips and a few dozen units. Getting a full 5* crystal in return is more than…
And they gave you 10k worth of 5* shards plus 1k 6* shards. How can you possibly say with a straight face you lost shards? You gained shards from the compensation. Honestly, I think they went above and beyond any compensation for an outage, I've seen in the almost 4 years I've been playing this game. Nothing is ever good…
I duped my AA 3 days after using a mutant AG on him. 🙄
I get the god-tiers once the meta of the game is past those god-tiers. I make do with the **** I get.
I opened 8 yesterday and got 1 4* Aegon and 3 3*s. That was after a month of pulling exclusively 2*s from Phcs.
After grinding for Ghost I popped open 145k worth of arena crystals and only got 45 units. I was shattered. Yesterday I opened 60k worth and got something like 225. It's all random. I will say if I need units for that 1 revive to beat a boss, it seems like I never get them. 😂
A huge disadvantage? Really? It's not like they got full t2a or something. They got some shards. Is it fair that some people got them and some people didn't? No, but to say it creates a huge disadvantage is completely overstating what happened.
Every Champs starting PI is different. Some are really high, and some are low. For example Phoenix has a really high PI. Her r2 5* has almost the same PI as my r3 5* winter soldier.
One word. Masteries!
@CitizenBrain I pulled him a couple weeks ago and immediately took him to r3. Ran out of resources to take him higher. He's definitely worth ranking up.
If you're talking about a subscription only model, that will literally kill off well over half the player base. Very few people will be willing to pay a monthly subscription cost just to play this game. You have to realize that F2P model works very well right now. Micro transactions make alot of money for these developers.…
@Slayer9748 I was in the game after the event ended. Maintenance didn't happen until 7-10 minutes after the end. Don't wait until the very last minutes to finish.
@PaytoPlay Would you seriously use a RDT on Domino? 😂 I'd love to see Kabam give out Domino specific RDT and watch exactly 0% of the people use them. Domino's abilities work exactly the same as they did when you ranked her, but you discovered that she could have become the most powerful champ in the game by far, but Kabam…
I have the mcoc concierge page in my line app. I don't know how to share it to you outside of Line but if you were to look me up on Line I could send you the link for it. Line ID Jenk6225
@Pazinator I tried that and he regened back to 50% health before I could bait anything. That aggressive regen is the killer combined with unblockable finale. If you don't have a good heal block champ he's really tough to beat.
Could have been much worse. My previous 5 pulls before this scored me pun2099(dupe) , Magneto, colossus, kamala, and OG Iron man. As my ally mate called it "The Golden age of the **** cycle." 😂
Can we get some kind of announcement or confirmation of what this is from the mods? @"Kabam Miike"
It will become useful for you at some point, though. You got a free 5* AG, an item that is extremely rare in the game and you still wanna complain that it wasn't good enough. Seriously, WTF?
IGN:Jenk6225 Item: GGC Best Moment: Duping my 5* Starlord on my 5th 5* opening.
Not quite as lucky as this 5 crystal pull I had last week. 😁
Oh man, you should double check your math because it really is basic grade school math and I think you just failed.
I got 5* colossus Kamala Khan and Iron man also a 6* Karnak. RNGesus hates me right now.