
  • Whoops, seems like I can't post any videos here, still new to the forums here but I hope the screenshot at least conveys this.
  • Hmm, so it's more like the opponent is gaining 1% a bar of power instead of 0.5% then? That would explain how getting as little as 5 charges can give such power gain
  • *Meant 2.5k 7 star shards, my bad. Also as an update for people looking to do the path: Managed to get Stark Spidey, White Mags and Ultron done with my 7 star R1 spider ham with the Odin pre-fights and just spammed SP1, luckily power stings, taunts and power gain mix well together and i managed to scrape by with no revives…
  • Yeah this path is absolute dog water for me, the power gain definitely feels more than 0.5% of a bar of power per second, just being at 5 is a death sentence (that and the AI being REALLY stingy with throwing their specials) and unfortunately i have yet to pull a single Serpent and I really hate the fact that he's the only…