Kabam Kaylee
Hi All, We'd love to hold contests to our truly worldwide player base, however we have to follow each country's specific laws. This limits us in what we can do in some regions. Thanks for your understanding. - Kaylee
Please vote and submit all screenshots using this link. https://gleam.io/qVsgZ/community-champions-competition-week-1
Please submit all screenshots using this link. https://gleam.io/qVsgZ/community-champions-competition-week-1
Nice find! However, that is not an official image from The Contest, nor is that our character (looks like it came from another game). Johnny Storm may be entering the contest soon, but you'll have to stay tuned to find out when!
I sure would love an eye roll emote right now. :)
Face to face, out in the heat Hangin' tough, stayin' hungry They stack the odds 'till we take to the street For the kill with the skill to survive
Hi 1711, Have a read through this post, https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/19157/announcing-the-start-of-our-content-creators-program If you feel you meet the criteria, PM me all the details outlined within the post, we'll review your application and get back to you shortly. Thanks! - Kaylee
Hi All, this is great stuff! I'm going to add the last of the comments and close this off. Feel free to pm me anything you think of anything else! @General__Ross - Added @Hamin - Added @bpunk88 - Added! I think you’re going to be quite pleased… @Hamin - Added @Hammerbro_64 - Added - we’re going to steer the Community from…
I'll PM you directly...
Merci lilyth23, J'espère aussi! Ne vous inquiétez pas, j'apprécie beaucoup cette communauté de passonits! - KK
Oops sorry - missed that one. I'll put it on our big list for discussion. - Kabam Kaylee
@ArcDeAngelus - Added Let me think about a way that could work, interesting idea - thanks! @Hamin - Added Hi all thanks for the suggestions. I’m going to close this discussion down tomorrow (Jan/09). If you have any last minute suggestions post them here. Otherwise feel free to PM me.
@mum_m2 Thanks for the welcome, I do play the game and I’m not nearly as far as you are! Midway through End Game. I’ve loved Marvel since I can remember, come home every day after school to watch reruns. @sassaroth - Added, interesting idea… @Hammerbro_64 - Added, we’ve discussing a way to surface game progression in the…
Hi MegasBack, I can saw with confidence that we'll be engaging more with the community, however we still want all bugs to go through our Customer support. They have access to the proper tools and tracking that we need to keep bugs tracked and solved. Thanks - Kabam Kaylee
Happy New Year everyone! Did a bit of cleaning up on this discussion and wanted to get back to those who submitted suggestions over the past few days. @winterthur - Added under Dev/Mod Tracker @Sohaibb - Added, really like the sub directories @Treo - Agreed, we’re absolutely looking at how we can communicate bug status in…
Hi Hamin, We're looking at forum improvements and bug fixes this month but we don't have an exact timeline yet. Thanks - Kabam Kaylee
If we enable deleting, some players could intentionally write things that are toxic and bad. Then they could delete them afterward leaving no trace. Apologies regarding the PM, I can understand why that would be off-putting. If a duplicate post happens again, just let one of the mods know and they will delete it for you.…
@Maldroit2 - Added points to the list @Hamin - Thanks for your feedback on the Moderation @AxeCopFire - Added @Mathking13 - Added @phillgreen - Added and we agree, PM me some of your favourites! @Carlos2504 - Added
Thanks everyone! Keep the suggestions coming. @caligarelinquo - Thanks! Great to be here, added Poll Category to list. @Hamin - We'll be working on navigation and the responsive design for viewing on mobile. UP/Down voting added. @botonox03 Added to the list @NOOOOOOOOPEEEEE We're looking into fixing the mobile site and…
I'm just going to go ahead and ignore that first comment ;). RE: Spam button on tablet, what kind of tablet and can you post a screen grab so I can see whether what version of the site you've got access to? RE: Additional access to Devs. We're actively discussing how best to execute that in 2019.
@RagamugginGunner and @phillgreen I would love to understand how having that button would be used in your posting flow. Could you elaborate?
Thanks ! Great to be here.