Support should be able to help you out with that, will just need some info to verify but then should be good to go! Sorry to hear about your mother, will hopefully get you back into your account soon!
Good to hear that plan came together just as we wrote it up
Yup, case closed
Honestly it was being a pain when I was trying right now and I want to make it easier not harder lol, so I just removed the space from my name, hopefully makes it easier! @KabamPinwheel
Hey there Shaggy, have you submitted a ticket on this issue? And are you able to record a video of some of the things that are occurring? Helps us diagnosis the issue, thanks!
This is super fair feedback. I can absolutely say we could have done more in terms of preparatory messaging for y'all to lay things out in terms of things being slower during that period etc, so thats on us to learn from and improve. The truth of the matter is that we had an incredibly busy December. Between the 10th…
I think this is super fair and not something we want to do, Crashed is an amazing contributor but we don't want to put all of anything on his shoulders. Banquet coming during the holiday season can be...tricky from a staffing perspective haha, but things should be a good bit more active here in the days and weeks ahead.…
The team is aware of this issue and is looking into it!
Just wanna say Crashed has been incredibly open and honest with the community, above and beyond what is required by his position. He's been very generous with his time especially here on the forums, lets please not impugn his character. You can disagree with his assessment if you do, but please trust that if hes saying it…
Crashed left a comment over in this thread with more context/explanation of what we're seeing https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/384265/banquet-2024-retrospective#latest
Likely see a few posts before the end of today, as was said it is the end of the week so lots to try and get done before lots of folks head out the door for the holidays, and also we want to make sure we're taking time to process as much feedback as we can again like was said before. But like I said, there will be some…
You are absolutely entitled to spend or not spend and hold any opinion you want on offers etc, but shaming others for their choices in-game is not allowed.
Can't speak to specifics but we have the tech now sooo...who can say haha ;)
That's super fair (I also merged in a thread that was slightly less positive after I posted this message so I kinda undermined my own point slightly xD). I think being more positive is a bit of what I meant. But again, happy to take the feedback and I appreciate you giving it respectfully!
I knew someone was gonna spot it xD Either my MacBook or me is apparently hungry and I'm not saying which haha
There have been a good number of complaints today so I understand the hyperbole, especially in the forums where it's a more focused view. I think the banquet pull thread being mostly positive alongside this one with understandable frustration and complaints demonstrates, as always, there's going to be a range of reactions…
You don't get to pick, if you're talking about the banquet boxes with the keys the champ you pull gets removed from the box once you get it until you get all the available champs and then it resets. So you get to pick in the sense than you can pick to go again, you know the max number of times you'd need to pull in order…
Always watching and plotting
Good morning summoners, just checking in to let y'all know we are still investigating this. We will make sure affected folks are made right, thank you for your patience in the mean time!
Nope just merged it into this one, see above haha
went ahead and merged it all to keep communication together
Gotcha, just wanted to check, thanks!
For those who aren't seeing it, have you updated the game?
Hey folks we're working on a fix for this, thanks for the reports!
Gotcha, we are looking into this and will get it sorted. Will update more when I have more info!
Hey folks, did it appear after a restart?
Hey there, what device are you playing on @RickyG_Chicago ?
We're actively working on a fix now, will provide more info when I have an eta
It's coming later today! Thank you to everyone who helped answer haha
For those experiencing this issue, what devices are you playing on?