Kerowax ★
So you don’t think weapon x synergy gives 15% PER regen? Because I constantly have 2 and 3 regens going at a time which would make his synergy give 30%-45% attack increase, whereas havok’sis only giving 20%
Man I still haven’t been able to get him. Couldn’t get him before I took my break from the game and still haven’t been able to this last month or so. Def want him tho
Ya he’s been my go to for anything annoying for years now (so long as the can bleed and be poisoned). Was already planing on taking him to r3 here soon and then r4 in a bit…but I haven’t tested him as horseman yet. About to test him out
Interesting. I haven't seen anyone mention him yet. Unfortunately don’t have him yet but have been wanting to get him to test out in BGs
From quick google searches that’s I think how I’m leaning. Any reason specifically?
Oh damn really? Good to know!
Thanks for the reply! Any reason for moleman? I wasn’t excited when I got him but you’re now the 2nd person to suggest mole man. Any thoughts on Adam? I’ve seen some vids of him doing crazy dmg this past week since I’ve been back.
Thanks for the reply! Ya all those i def want ranked up. Do you have any thoughts on Adam? I’ve seen some vids the past week of some insane dmg. I suicides and I’ve heard he’s great for those since he gets to negate the recoil dmg with his l2 when he goes into his cocoon
For more context, I’m trying to get to Paragon and Thronebreaker status as quickly as possible
Thanks for the reply. Ideally, I’m trying to dupe 6* omega red and him be my main attacker and with quick google searches I’ve seen around that white mags is better for omega red over red mags, is that accurate? So that would be my only hesitation with red mags. But if I’m wrong there def let me know. Ya I wanted to do a…
Additional context: Just finished 6.2 so I have the 2nd half of Chapter 6 and chapter 7 left to do and I’m Cavalier
Yes. Just stay aggressive and you’ll get there