Killershark021 ★
You don’t have to be in a top alliance. This is one of the dumbest statements I have ever seen. I have a rank 3 and I’m in a gold 4 alliance
Occasionally, like 4th and cyber weekend, Christmas, and then cav daily’s now and again
I like the buff a lot even though red mags was better white mags can still hit heavy
Yea I’ve played for a while, just never 100% most acts. I might 100% act 6 though
No I haven’t 100% them the rewards aren’t worth the time except for act 6
Isn’t that weird?
Mole man also took no effort
Why would it be a problem
Yes but you can pick it up again. He had the option for the node 3 times in 10 rooms
There’s a photo of the node
Cull but already got him as a 6 star
What purchase
I do all the solo content just don’t 100% anything
Yea no I just completed them
I’ve also been playing for 4 years just not level 60 some how
Beat rol, did rttl, did a path in Rol, done all the variants atleast once besides ultrons, and 6.2.6 waiting for black widow (CV) or cap Infinity war for the final 10% of champion
No yea I do spend money just nothing crazy
And yea I’m cavalier
Yea I spend money but not like a crazy amount. Like I’m not buying cavs when they come out unless it’s like 1 or 2
@Lvernon15 @Idonthaveaname just made a forum post with the proof
I’m a level 54 with 10 6 stars and 103 5 stars
Black widow Claire Voyant for champion boss in 6.2.6
Ok so somebody who joined a month ago still on act 2-3-4 or even beginning of 5 will have a 6 star champ...? That’s a terrible idea.
Definitely worth it