L3g3ndaryR3ign ★
Thanks for the duel targets! Although, I took the Havok path and got the safe.
Hercules #12DaysofMCoC #sweepstakesentry
L3g3ndaryR3ign Package 1: GGCs Hercules. I like his animations.
You can get 7 tokens. 3 from the Summoner Camp Solo and 4 from the Summoner Resort Solo...
I'd like to know too. Could someone be kind enough tag a girl when this question is answered. Please and thank you! I've always been a FTP player, but this seems really good, so if I do cave at some point, it would be nice to know. Lol...
Same here. I was actually just about to post about it when I spotted yours. Lol
Target: WaltigreMonstro - Easy 6* Storm (Pyramid X) - Hard 6*
@Unio77 me. For the last three hours or so. And I've tested it on WiFi and two different mobile networks. Also, not logging in at all. Just stuck on the opening screen for like 15 minutes, then the loading screen. And doesn't get past that...
Just found the second champ that's trying to destroy me. Welcome to the party Black Widow (Claire Voyant)...
IGN: L3g3ndaryR3ign 2 GGCs or 1 GGC I'm a F2P player. And I opened my very first 6* crystal. It was a Squirrel Girl, so maybe not the very best champ, but still very exciting...
Must have missed it. Thanks!
Hi. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question. But what is the incursion artifact PlatinumPool bundle? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Is it only available to UC and above or what's up with that? I've done the side quest (epic) and I cannot figure out how to get more pieces...
This is literally the best thread I've ever seen on this forum. Like ever (by ever I mean since I joined a few years ago). But ever... ❤️
Update: Now all I'm doing is sitting on the game and using my energy to help my team in AQ and it's disconnecting me.
In-Game Name: L3g3ndaryR3ign Device and Model: Samsung A9 Device Operating System: Android 10 Cellular or WiFi: Both. Telkom/CellC Game Version Installed: 26.1.1 Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: Keeps disconnecting me from the game during fights. Sometimes even when I'm done fighting, right at the winning screen.…
@TyDollarSign Congrats to you too then! I know what you mean. I spent a bunch of units too. But the whole suicide/quit thing to bypass regen didn't occur to me until I read your post. It was really helpful...
Hey @TyDollarSign. Just wanted to say thanks. Your tips helped me complete my very first Boss Rush...
@Pulyaman thanks...
Lol. That was just a joke, seeing as Kabam is a company and not an actual person, makes it kind of impossible to skin it alive. It's not alive and has no skin...
@zuffy for giggles? Lol. I can't even imagine it. I'm learning that I need to actually pay attention to all the mastery stuff. So reading up and learning... @Neotwism I think I have him on 51 and I put every signature stone I get into him as soon as I get it. So only 49 to go... @Hammerbro_64 before this post, I did not…
I mean I'm not against the challenge, I appreciate it. Lol. It's just frustrating. And thanks. I'm not great at baiting. But I'm working on it. And I'll definitely try that approach...
@Tiger360 I'm actually thinking about approaching it that way. It would be a great way to get better at fighting. Thanks for the tip though...
@Kerneas What I was doing was ranting and trying to make a joke out of something that was frustrating to me. I certainly wasn't trying to "vomit aggressive thoughts", nor was I expecting support. No, I'm not naive, however my experiences in this forum and the amount that I've learnt from simply being here has been nothing…
@Moosetiptronic he is one of my favourites so I will definitely check that out. Thanks...
@Buttehrs yeah, I always forget about those...
@Moosetiptronic I've got a bunch of units, so I'll look into that. Thanks so much for your help. Appreciate it...
@Tiger360 no offense taken. I will admit I have a bit of a temper, and by the 3rd or 4th go around I was more angry playing than actually playing. But yeah. Thanks...
@Moosetiptronic no, I don't have suicides. And I only have Sabertooth in 3*, not ranked up at all. Will that do?...
@Hammerbro_64 thanks. I'll check it out...
@Moosetiptronic I do buy from the glory store. Roster is: 5* Omega Red 4/55 duped 5* Venom the Duck 4/55 5* Blade 4/55 5* Doctor Voodoo 4/55 4* Hulk Ragnarok 5/50 duped And from what I read, Yellow Jacket then Deadpool is the easiest path, so I'm trying that one...