Linguetti ★
OP is definitely not correct here. The buff Ant lad would be getting is completely different than the type that say Yellowjacket got. A complete rework would let them fundamentally change how his character would work, not just change details through the infrastructure of his existing character kit.
If Antman gets buffed I hope that Ghost Synergy disappears, I love the idea of him getting buffed, but not the idea of literally 3 people being used for EVERYTHING
He actually infuriates me to an unhealthy degree, it's becoming a problem tbh.
Now THIS I don't get at all. What you want isn't marvel you want "MCU" you want the guys that immediately come to your mind when you think of marvel... the movie tie ins, the gimme money makers like the spider-mans and the Wolverines. However only having that is a disservice to this amazing world that has been built and…
I mean, every champ is a NEW champ. Variations only don't exist in the game anymore. We are years past Superior Iron man vs. OG Iron Man. Every champ has a unique kit and abilities. People were fine when spider-ham came out, but when a new Iron Man comes out, its the end of the world. The MRoC thing doesn't hold a lot of…
First featured champion pull, and first R5
This has to be a God tier bait I swear...
Jeez man it's like literally everyone has never played a long term supported game like this before. These changes have to happen, we all love when reworks like moleman's and magneto's come out, but everyone loses their mind when the opposite happens. This is a VITAL part of game balance in a game like this. You cannot have…