
  • lol I’m sure it wasn’t just me who paid more attention to life over 3 months and failed to realize the event ending, and by when to have all 3 stamps. An in-game pop up message the last week would have been cool or an additional stamp would be great, save many accounts and be profitable. Having to pay for it would not make…
  • People are always going to buy what suits their accounts and wallets, no one’s going to stop playing or buying if the offer for a stamp was added. Many that are Paragon may not want to play the game after missing this offer and putting time and money into it.
  • It would literally only be beneficial to those who have already spent money and completed objectives towards the event. Those who are Paragon and acquired 2 stamps literally gets nothing from this event as the 5,6 & 7 star all require the same 3 counts of stamps. I don’t see why an offer for 1 stamp with 1 purchase limit…
  • Why would anyone be mad if they offered additional stamps? If you don’t want it, don’t buy it, just like any other offer. Not every player who plays the game takes the time to fully read long mail messages so details goes missed often. An in-game pop up message reminding everyone of the deadline - as it’s been running for…
  • I’d pay $150 for 1 morbius stamp right now