Thats the entire point of my post
What would a new alliance do about RNG rewards? I wouldn’t care if I was part of the best alliances for raids… I still would be angry with the idea that I can’t get like a nexus selector of rewards to pick from.
That has nothing to do with my post. A large amount of alliances have people with good accounts tank through the easy bosses to get the rewards as quick as possible. Once again my post focuses on the rewards being bad due to uncontrollable RNG…. Not lazy alliance members
Are you doing his loop correct?
Such a greedy and narcissistic company. Please fire your entire marketing team. This change signals how out of touch y’all are with events. Caps Recruitment, Cyber Weekend, now banquet. Missed the mark on almost everything.
Be smart with your combo then. Use hulking or Galan and push him to his sp2 cause both of them are immune to power manipulation and can nuke the hell out of mysterio.
Im getting the same error message with over an hour left in the season.
I had multiple of the same issues with Galan's heavy straight up clipping through opponents and then getting counter by a super. The one time i got it on video was Sandman with his medium attacks making contact, but winter soldier still just idled out and came back with full iframes to clip my second medium attack.…
This is like the worst possible solution to such a big problem. Instead of being helpful with percentage potions, y’all are just lower the unit cost which still mean you have to whale out just to get your 6* kingpin back to like half health.