Macan1986 ★
This is not sneaky it feels like outright middle finger to ftp player base.
Lets see how they respond by ignoring most of the points you addressed. Classic "lets ignore it and it will be gone" approach. Unfortunately the way kabam dealth with this situation by cutting the players comments out of video and tryin to "explain" in a post as well as "sorry we will do better next year" is a genuime…
what do you mean makes no sense? the goal of the game is to spend units (from Kabam perspective) more units spent more you will buy or grind for units hence more time in the game. They lock you in the loop ...
New layout is good. and that is IT. Noting else can objectively be looked at as improvement for majority of players. full stop. Seems to be created in the following way: FTP = work harder, play more for less PTW = awesome changes... is goal of the game to chase away the players and go bust?? if so it is on a good track as…
Thank you. Much appreciated 😊😊🙏
Yup kineticly charged
Yes i believe so