
  • Same, I only got 1/1 and now it says 0/3.
  • I guess my post was too long and made my points more complicated and created some confusion. And I can't blame you or anyone else for not fully understanding my long post. Like I said I don't post in forums so this is very rare for me to do so. I just wanted to share my points of view somewhere out there. I see many people…
  • Ok to make things clear, I'm not referring to ALL F2P players not being competitive. I see a difference between someone who invests tons of hours and effort with someone who doesn't play that much even if they're both F2P. Why would anyone expect someone who doesn't play much to keep up with progress and be competitive…
  • You consider yourselves F2P but you spent money? Ahahahahaha 😂 That's actually a little insulting for the real F2P. The topic says free players, if you spent any amount of money or used free store gift cards or whatever, then no you're not, why bother commenting. I'm a real F2P I don't even take in game gifts. I play for 2…
  • Hello people. We all know that these kind of issues, as well as extreme lag, and others are existing from months ago. My suggestion would be to reach out for help with the well-known YouTubers. I'm sure they could offer possible solutions/workarounds if there are any, or just raise awareness with everyone of what is…
  • What the heck. I play an AW match I'm doing a perfect match and what happens? I'm holding block away from opponent and my champ starts running towards the opponent by himself!! I died ofc he wouldn't obey my controls. I try with another champ and what happens? At the start of the fight losing control and running towards…
  • Surprise we're still waiting. So are we being complete idiots for waiting so long for some rewards we legitimately earned like everyone else? What else does it take to get them? @"Kabam Miike" Tag all the moderators? Make a 30-page thread? Send Support Tickets back and forth just chatting with a mindless bot with no…
  • Day 20 (Literally): Kabam has still not given us the AQ rewards we earned. I can't believe I had to register just for this but come on it's getting ridiculous. I'm still with just the 1 rewards message and not the message which contains all the milestones we worked hard to earn. Most members of the alliance received the…