MeatbagFry ★
Matchmaking is right :D
Perfect solution from the amazing team. Thank you guys! The next time please say that it's a bug at your jira board and nothing more. Never mind that no one know about your jira and also don't have access to this. It's our problem.
This is the last comment about this issue. What is discussed here? What is the final word here?
So still no updates. No comments...
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" hello! I hope you had great weekends. But do you have updates with the issue?
No. This is secret information :)
I had found a match but had loop loading screen and that's all. Also i lose 2 games instead of this 1 game. I don't know who was my the second opponent :)
The same issue. Also i had "played" only one game but lost 2 games.
The same issue. Also i had "played" only one game but lost 2 games. I don't know how is it possible :)
Don't give me the win, give automatic lose to the opponent ;)
I understood you. IMHO: scores should be calculated when you and your opponent kill the defender. When one of you kill the defender and the other one not - the winner should be the one who killed the defender.
It's so ridiculous. Why in the AQ when the defender has 1% health left you lost? Why in the AW when the defender has 1% health left you lost? Why in the quests when the defender has 1% health left you lost? So lets keep the same logic in AW, AQ and quests. I almost killed the defender.
He did not kill the defender -> he played worse.
So the goal of game is saving more health? Not to kill the defender? :D