Mischabäst ★
So do i understand this correctly - You only get the rewards from the Chessmaster level you have cleared? So if I 100% lelvel 5, I will not get the rewards for level 4, 3, 2, 1? Before you also got the rewards for the levels below the highest level you cleared.
And yes I am aware it says that you should focus on 1 threat level. But I messed up and missed that part when reading about the event - Its lot of information. But if you do as I did - You can't finish chessmaster on any level this month.I can't be the only one in game who missed that part?
Here is the problem. I did one threat level 4 and three threat level 5. It means I can't finish Chessmaster on any level week 1. If i can't finish any level on week 1 it means I can't clear all 4 chessmasters on any level.
Did I understand this correctly. If I do 1 (one) threat level other than the highest it means i cant get the rewards fot the whole month? That is extremely stupid. I didnt realize i only can get total 4 entries each week so I thought I'd try level 4 instead of 5. So now the rest of the months quest is completely needless…
An update. According to all the posts above it is all about luck. So this means i must have the absoluteley worst luck in this game. I have now opened 60 featured crystals. 60. Out of these 60 i have gotten 2 newly released champions. Out of 25% chance to get a new champ i have gotten 3%. Is that the worst RNG possible?…
And on another note - from my mobile game coding friends - other games have tiers och champs/characters. I would be very surprised if Kabam doesn't have that too. Its not based on pure luck if you get a champ or not when the pool is low.
Well for me that's the reason I wrote this post. I know what my chances are and should be. From this 6* featured i've opened 15 crystals. Of these 1 has been a new champ. Since i don't get any new 6* ive also tried with 5* featured and there mine luck has been better with 10 opened and 2 new. So for me it's just plain bad…
Okay I get it now. I just have extremely bad luck when opening featured crystals. I just have to stop doing it. And use those shards elsewhere.
Yes you are right about that you cant buy them. My bad.
So If I have registered my openings and find out that at least my drop rates are not 4% per champ, i just have extremely bad luck? Since i am interested in the data i have created a dats shett on what i get from more or less all crystals.
I*m actually thinking they were planning this all along. The gift you will get on Christmas Day - its gonna wreck all previous calenders and gifts - especially if you are a ThroneBreaker. I think even for cavalier they are going to make this years gift better than last years. trying to see it from a positive side.
Same problem here.... Its only mcoc that Does This to the phone. No other games.
All of my champs got hit in total one time by Ant-man. Still all of them died.