I think Kabam should release drop rates for Featured crystals
Kabam releseas drop rates. That's fine. But they should also release the drop rates for the featured crystals. You pay 5000 extra. I would say almost everyone pays those 5000 extra to get new champs. But there are no drop rates for the chance of getting a new champ. Based on my own calculations i know that Kabam have changed thier drop rates of getting a new champ. Right now the drop rates for getting new champs for featured crystals is 6%. Which leads to the next part - what happens when the drop rates don't match the actual results? What are the drop rates based upon? the crystals you open over a whole year? Per month? or should you, if we lets say open 100 crystals at one time get the number that corelates to the drop rate?
I know Kabam will never tell us these secrets - that's how they make money. But i rellay think they should release the drop rates for the Featured crystals. Because if you knew that the chance of you getting a new champ is 6% - maybe you would instead buy lets say 3 normal crystals instead of 2 featured. I think that would be a fair thing for Kabam to do.
I know Kabam will never tell us these secrets - that's how they make money. But i rellay think they should release the drop rates for the Featured crystals. Because if you knew that the chance of you getting a new champ is 6% - maybe you would instead buy lets say 3 normal crystals instead of 2 featured. I think that would be a fair thing for Kabam to do.
I got all feat except for mystic spidey and i didnt open that many...
I have no idea what you mean about the chances out of 100, perhaps @DNA3000 could elaborate on probability, but the Drop Rate is the same each time you open one.
Each crystal is independent of others. Rates don't compound when opening multiple. You can't say "based on my drops, Kabam has changed their drop rates". You don't have enough data to determine that and not getting a champ you want, doesn't equal them changing the drop rates.
I just have to stop doing it. And use those shards elsewhere.
Since i don't get any new 6* ive also tried with 5* featured and there mine luck has been better with 10 opened and 2 new.
So for me it's just plain bad luck and thank you for explaining the drop rates.
Furthermore, if there were rarity tiers, that would also make champion buffs and rebalances also pointless. If there was an explicit intent to make some champions worth more than others, there would be no need to buff champions seen as less valuable. Bottom tier champs have been literally buffed to top tier or nearly so many times in the past. It would be nonsensical for Kabam to make some champions worth less, make them common in the crystals, and then after everyone has them subsequently buff them to preeminence. Champs like Colossus, Magneto, Magic, Falcon, Venom, and King Groot are extremely strong evidence that Kabam doesn't artificially segregate champions into value tiers.
Also, I've been documenting all of my featured 6* crystal openings for the past few hundred openings across many featured crystal iterations. If there is a "value tier" segregation in those crystals, it is not apparent from my openings. Random chance will randomly cause players to sometimes see above average results and sometimes below average results. But if there is a strong skew to the crystals, it is extremely unlikely to somehow avoid it across that many crystals.
This would be a good time to remind people that what most players call "star rating" is something the game calls "rarity." A 5* champion has five star rarity. Star rating is how MCOC chooses to handle the notion that some things are rarer and/or harder to get than others. It isn't that MCOC doesn't have rarity tiers, it is just that they are so obvious people sometimes forget they exist, and claim that there *must* be different rarities *within* the 6* champion pool, essentially saying that there must be rarities within rarities.
As to DNA and “Rarity” discussion above, I’ve always had a problem with their usage of the word “Rarity” when differentiating say 5* vs 4* vs 3*, etc.
Wish there was another word that could be used for such a 3rd differentiation. Rank and Level are already used elsewhere. Otherwise “Rank” would have actually been an appropriate use to differentiate Star versions. aka Admiral vs General vs Captain vs Corporal in the military.
Actually, “Value” (since you were talking about that) might be a good word to use too (but differently from how you were discussion “value” champs in other games). What “Value” of champ ? Your 5* Value one.
“Rarity” can only loosely be applied in terms of 2* to 4* from a Premium Hero Crystal (PC).
But as we all know too well, there are plenty of 1* champs that you could call much rarer than their 4* or 5* counterparts.
And when opening a 5* hero crystal, how could you say the champ you get (5*) is rarer than pulling a 4* or 3* from that. Getting a 4* from a 5* crystal actually is what would be very RARE (ok, technically, impossible).
That's why “Star Version” is commonly used by people, even though it is a little awkward.
From the cav crystals. I have now opened 60 to get the monthly released champs. 0% new monthly champs of 4/5/6* rarity. 0% 6*. and 4 out of 60 are 5* - 6,5% - at least thats close to the drop rate. But it's all about luck. And the most frequent champs that people pull are Doom, Hercules, Kingpin and Ghost right?
Keep this in mind next time you complain about odds in opening crystals. It really isn't THAT unlucky it's just odds and you had a few bad ones.
I've opened 39 featured. These are my pulls.