
  • I am yet to see a Sym Supreme boss and would gladly with great glee take him out if I did with ease with many other champs in my repertoire 😂😂😂
  • @H_I_Z which means she would have to be hit by a mystic nullify champ... And the ratio of any champs that have the ability to nullify are slim to none in the 1st place. It only made sense before diversity in AW mattered and mystic dispersion mattered...when Mystic defenders where duplicated all across the defender map in…
  • Thought so @Etjama...thanks for response as I don't think this topic will get many in form of champs that can compete with Angela as worst sig in game 😂... What the Holy Hell was Kabam thinking here? 🤔🤔🤔
  • For the truly intelligent gamer here... This topic is not actually about "The Trail of Reed Richard's Quest bug Compensation" It's about "The Trail of Kabam's Ineffectiveness to Match Pots with current state of the game Content" over the years, based upon difficulty level, health pools of now 6* r2's, with 6* r3's soon to…
  • Please post an intelligent counter agrument if possible 🙂👍... I am open to all opinions...takes no effort or critical thinking to just be negative...
  • If I am correct, only minuscule improvements was made on health potions and revives when 5*'s came out. Nodes, content, champs, etc., keeps progressing, becoming harder and harder... Yet, no one ever thinks, why haven't health pots, revives, even boost, been significantly improved to match the progression of the game? Stop…
  • And what should we be thinking about? Let's think shall we? When was the last time health and revive potions have been upgraded? To match the health stats or health pools of now 6*'s? Soon to be 7*'s?
  • Why make such a fuss? I heard both sides of the argument here and I can not disagree with any side of it. Most of the responses have however been negative and that's cool. My intelligence has been insulted and ok 😁👍 for those that did...another whiney post some say, ok 👍...someone even said, if you are going to make an…
  • Not a complaint... More of an inquiry... When you spend money for a product, i.e. content, it would be unintelligible to not inquire about the prospect of unfair treatment and or compensation for a broken product...
  • I did say multiple times... Maybe I am missing something... I can agree however, and likewise disagree with counter not everyone who plowed through the first day knew there was a bug... I however, finished today so I guess I was unaffected if it was cleared up prior, so in my case the agrument is moot...…
  • I think it was designed/developed with more of the idea of getting free stuff than for nostalgia sake... But with a little nostalgia mixed in... I think it is a stretch to say they missed an opportunity or missed the mark with that in mind as older champs in comparison to many newer champs present very little resistance or…
  • Anyone who disagrees, hasn't fully explored it lol And that's why they disagree 👍
  • Yes it is a big deal... Kabam now rewards everything in terms of game progression. Why not this situation? It wasn't a well thought out compensation package and not fair for those who already 100% it...
  • So basically now... Anyone who hasn't 100% it, will get what was missing in paths and compensation for those who did 100%, but didnt get, which means if you haven't fully explored it yet, you will get double? But those who did 100% it already, will only get only what was missing from get go? Lol wtf? Maybe I am missing…
  • Exactly my point @awesomesauce...👍
  • I finished uncollected this month and last with ease lol... The fun part of the game comes with camaraderie, AQ and AW, fighting and winning with your peers, the relationships you develop by doing so... Solo events, is such a small part of the game and progressing is dependent on AQ and AW to even complete a lot of solo…
  • Omg...I don't even want to think about those maps lol... I just got back to playing 2 weeks ago and already had to quit the first alliance due to this matter. I joined a lessor alliance to see if this game is possible to even play again as you suggested, and still have a real life... If not, I will hang up my Contest boots…
  • My point exactly @Guardian... AW and AQ is such a main priority in this game and it should not interfere with ones personal life and or time restraints to play. Something should have been done or needs to be done to remedy the issue. A different level of sigil maybe, where you pay a bit more for the ability to play certain…
  • I just got Blade finally and I been thinking before I got him that he should be nerfed. He will single-handedly screw up AW seasons. I mean all you have to do is look at all the top Alliances top champs to know something is seriously wrong with that picture becuase the disproportionate amount of power Blade has over his…
  • Guess I shouldn't have said that being I will rank mine up for AW soon lol...
  • Fight her like Juggy...she can't Auto block without 3 furys active...wait till they expire...Also, nullify champs may work.
  • Just my two cents, but for the most part, the explanations given in this topic makes absolutely no sense... Unless Kabam is rewriting the English dictionary, incinerate means incinerate, thus burn damage whether debuff or not. So it would seem, the only thing Vulture us not immune to is Kabams Improper usage of language in…
  • The issue here is not so much the 30 minute timers but the 5 energy maximum. Needs to be raised to 10.
  • Storm 5* r4 is an absolute beast...not a glass cannon. Her defensive stats are right on par with any other 5*. All her specails hit hard but you only really need her sp1 and sp2 IMO... I never really been a fan of Storm untill I r4ed my 5*. Love her. She eats map 5 day 5 alive.
  • My only problem here is 90% of last few new champs have been tech. GG could go either way, tech or science. With so many techs, just tip the scales a bit and make him science would have seemed to be more sound logic. No one would have argued or batted an eye about him being science. The development team doesn't buy…
  • Jesus Kabam....give me a break with the Techs...
  • Just to clarify, many bugs have persisted for longer than one month, some since patch 12.0.
  • They will not revert back to pre-12.0 becuase supposedly the changes were made to open up new content so that the game could continue to grow longterm in regards to future development. So far that development has lead to a steady trend of horribly developed champs and ultimately the mess called Carnage....
  • In all fairness, rank down tickets should have been included in any compensation being many of the bugs that affected a great deal of the player base were bugs lingering since the 12.0 patch. With that said, considering how much whales have spent to compensate for those bugs, any compensation should have been close to par…