Mrmarvel123 ★
Thank you the only thing I was wondering about Guardian was that I have a unawakened 6* version too so wasn’t sure if I should go with the awakened one or go for mysterio first and wait to awaken the 6* I really like the block synergy he would give my team but i think I’ll do Guardian just don’t know which version now
Nick fury
Thank you I will probably save it as like you said I don’t really need it right now and I only have a generic awakening gem left and I’m not gonna waste it
Thank you she was my Christmas gift and had been planing on mysterio but I will go with her
IOS iPhone 7 Phone heating up and crashing every 10 minutes fights extremely laggy then crash In game name - Matt4815
When did the calendar reset I got it the 29 of last moth so I was cavalier before march
Is Namor still worth it after nerf
Just want to know if I’m going to have to grind epic a few times
What about superior Ironman he made that suit with Symbiote
Give his speacils true strike cause he never misses
Lol the old champs still have a very important purpose, they are the headliners in all the ads to draw new people into the game because you no showing the new Obscure champs won’t draw new players.
The boss names are just visual what made each month hard are up to you
I really like this question and I don’t remember seeing this kind of question on the forums
The poll doesn’t say ice Phoenix but it doesn’t say Emma Frost or adaptoid either I just put the final boss next to the month as a frame of reference. A lot of the time the final bosses arnt the hardest part but I used them anyways if ice Phoenix is what made it hard for you that’s what I’m tring to get to with the poll I…
Mine was August because it was the first one where I had to rank up a specific champions to completed it. April’s might have been the hardest if I didn’t have a full stash at the time
Ok I see what your talking about my bad thanks for the help
Im trying to just unlock the 1st level and I recovered my offense masteries so I have 33
They need 5 and I have 5
Me too this is lame
Game shuts down IOS7 11.4
Thank you I got him done it still sucked
I did that once sold two and three stars and quite for a whole year now I’m back and have all the champions I lost but they’re not maxed out now so I’d probably have 100,000 more rating then I do now so you don’t need them so keep playing that one
Mandarin-mystic Has the obvious abilities of his ten rings Here are his abilities and how they go with his rings Ring 1- 3 will rotate through the fight like dr stranges buffs 1)zero(ice ring)- starts with ice armor like iceman 2)daimonic (magnet ring) lowers metal characters ability accuracy and raises his 3)incandescence…
Captain marvel, OG Black Panther, X-23, Rhino, The Hood
1 Spider-man 2 Wolverine 3 Thor 3 times in a row 4 Storm 5 Cpt Marvel 6 soon
Preferably thanos but as long as we get one I’m cool either way
I do not care for this event