
  • Get rid of his Armor ups - Corvus, BWCV or bring someone who is Power Burn immune like Galan
  • I got through whole act 7 (100% only on 7.1), 100% explored 8.1. Then tried to go through act 6 again. It is not fun at all... there are too many fights. Regarding GM nerf I mean adding of the charges that stack through fights so you keep them even if you die like in 7.4 Kang.
  • Maybe but still too many things to do with lot of energy (personal) cost and rewards not accurate to the time investment.
  • 2* are nice addition, I remember 1vs1 arena on Gwenpool goes to Hollywood event when tons of people were grinding to get those champs.
  • Hello guys, I've been thinking fo a while about some minor improvements to some olde champions - Captain America OG - Shield can block unblockable hits except some like Scarlet Witch SP2 or Psylocke SP2 - Vision AoU - Swipe back and hold, can become fully transparent for short amount of time - cooldown time after that,…
  • Every week I do those 2 arenas, it makes me thinks about their usefulness.. those arenas have some potential but they need a rework. New milestones, new rewards
  • I was thinking more about Sunday-Monday crystal arenas, but also catalysts could have more with t2a and t5b. Rare 2* would be great! I am a collector type so I would love that.
  • So basically at the moment mostly weekend arenas like crystal splash and cornucopia are usless... altogether with 1vs1. They all need improvements. I still play them from time to time to get some sig levels for my 2*. To max all of them. But those arenas are pretty boring and not really awarding
  • About Dormammu and Ghost Rider ot was somewhere explained that is not a normal fire (so it does not burn) and by the way they do not incinerate. But the Iceman situation is still different
    in Coldsnap Comment by Nemurio August 2018
  • Randomizer and why in your opinion he shouldn’t be cold immune? This change would not affect most of the fights only Iceman vs Iceman as mentioned above. This is the only possible change. I understand that nothing in this game have sense, however if other things can be explained, this one in my opinion could not. Still I…
    in Coldsnap Comment by Nemurio August 2018
  • But GR fire does not Incinerate as it was described by Kabam as different type of fire as for Dormammu. I am not telling this is okay, but still this logic does not explain cold-cold damage
    in Coldsnap Comment by Nemurio August 2018
  • Sorry but your argumentation is wrong. I understand that some things can be simplified as it is a game. But it is still not explaining anything. How come creature made entirely of ice, can be hurt by cold... it is nonsense. He should hurt himself.
    in Coldsnap Comment by Nemurio August 2018