
  • @Squirrelguy you missed my point. Idc if old champs should be something they are not. They are old. Who is going to say man I just really wish they buffed Luke cage a third time cause after 2 buffs and 7 years I almost enjoyed him? No one. Pissing in the well
  • So now I can get in on my old iPhone and can’t get in on my new iPhone? What the hell?!
  • This war tactic is horrendous. The dropped inputs in war while you try to block to get rid of said tactic is even more horrendous. What in the actual F***, KABAM?! Needs to be a parry also which is where the inputs are dropping like mad. I absolutely hate this season and they need to stop trying to frustrate the player…
  • @"Kabam Jax" i know they said they were happy with where she landed but I urge people to do more testing if they were happy. This champion is not viable for very much as stands and she’s way too cool to keep her this way. Can you please see if anything is being thought about as far as revisiting this champ?
  • @PizzaTheHut try duping waiting months to get those shards, spending your moment time in grinding out every dark corner of the game, and these are your rewards. Random is fine. 5 duds in a row when these shards come that hard is like crazy. I said u wanted one usable champion offense from 5 of those. That’s not greedy…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 9
  • @"Kabam Jax" yay it worked lol. I don’t believe my delivery of my opinion was somehow disrespectful. What I do believe is that you and the guardians don’t care for that opinion and take it as an attack. That’s not the intention, but the intention is to shield myself from what I also view as being “attacked”. It doesn’t…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • 5 Titan pulls: colossus, crossbones, Jabari panther, Jabari Panther, and Thing. This is why I have zero enthusiasm about Titan crystals
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • To anyone who read the original post: if you understand this frustration because you are going through the same experience…thank you. Thats all I wanted was to see how other players felt and if I was just a weirdo alone in the woods on this topic. Clearly im not and I thank you for letting me know that.
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • Oh look my comment disappeared. Go figure. Thats exactly why I don’t comment on here normally anymore. You have a gripe and tell it like it is and they silence you for it. Awesome
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • Oh hey look you can use thing on offense and get good damage with a full synergy team! LMAO except there’s at least ten champs who can do that damage in this crystal. They can also do that damage by themselves. Who really thought a champ that has next to no value on offense and requires 200 sigs to be at his best on…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • @DNA3000 no. Lol. You seem to comment on everything anyone puts that gets attention so yeah having to be a mouth piece all the time doesn’t inspire anything in me that makes me value your opinions. #1 #2) I said clearly in the original post JUST ONE DAMN TIME GIVE ME A NEW CHAMP. If you spent a grand in three months and…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • @Buttehrs for starters his value is in his sig. so unduped is useless and I won’t have him on offense ever for any reason. Secondly the sig makes it so that if you hit him at what would cost him a high amount of health, the damage is mitigated. So when a 7* hits my 6* the damage is severely capped. This actually makes the…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • No. Your logic is awful. An old champ that no one uses on offense and requires sig 200 is not what I’d call a good pull or a fun time. Talk to my sig 200 r4. I have zero need for a 7* version and whomever thought it was a good idea to make him in the Titan Crystal should be fired. No one wants a champ like that in a…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 7
  • Thanks guys I’m on a phone all the time if I’m talking here. So I appreciate you letting me know how to tag him back. The pint of this isn’t to spit evil at people. It’s to convey how frustrated I am with this Titan crystal. I wish it was 20k 7*!shards cause then it wouldn’t feel this awful. But seriously every time I’ve…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 6
  • @DNA3000 i don’t like how you guys seem to think no one should express anger or frustration. I over come all those other pain points with patience. You can’t be any more patient than holding shards and then still getting the shaft. I have materials for FIVE r2 champs rn and I have zero champs id like to use them on because…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 6
  • Someone tell me how to actually tag Jax then cause that sucks tag is the only one that comes up
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 6
  • @kabamJaxSucks i get that 100% but have never pulled anything that keeps the game fresh or fun from those. It’s the hardest thing to grind out and has consistently left me feeling bitter about the time to acquire them much less waiting for a new pool. Three guys on my team opened right before me. Kushala, and two white…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 6
  • @PantherusNZ please tell me where an unduped crossbones and thing are useful when they’ve long been ranked up as 6* champs at sig 200. Please tell me how having them as 7* is somehow doing anything for my account. I’ll wait
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 6
  • Sure so kill mine with every single one I open. The things might as well not exist on my account if I can’t get anything new ever. Like just remove it so I don’t get fomo and I you can jack me around on things that only take a week or two instead of 6. I was so mad I literally screamed at the phone. I haven’t got a new…
    in WHY?! Comment by Nichoas_1 February 6
  • I know kabam guys are working hard cause the game has seen a lot of awesome things since 2023. But you guys gotta get on making it worthwhile for valiant players. I dont think anyone wants a whole mother year where 7* shards only come dupes or in the smallest quantities possible. You guys said the shards would scale and so…
  • @ItsClobberinTime I said I don’t enjoy these champs. In no way does that make them “bad” champions. I’d also like to add that there are tons of great champs who can counter everything in the game. I love to use my 7* Gorr for thing fights. He doesn’t stand a chance at all. That I enjoy. He’s new(er) and a great champ. I’ve…
  • @Zuro nah. I’ll get gladiator lol
  • Oh no @kabamJaxSucks! Your answer was good enough til you mentioned Kraven, and let me explain why. The controversy that this originally created because most people thought zemo deserved it was more than substantial. Almost no one plays Kraven. I liked your answer til you gave the comparison. It’s almost like throwing salt…
  • Honestly I never have an energy problem. I have 30 refills at any given time because we get them like candy now. How do you have a problem with energy?
  • I’ll tag you every day if I have to to from now on. We the community demand a change to your stance. If you were making regular balance changes I would not care. This is clearly reaching beyond that point with this character. Compensation is a MUST
  • You guys over reached on zemo. Now it’s time to give the community compensation for reaching beyond the three months and making extra changes to the champion that were never specified as bugs. That’s called fair. @"Kabam Miike"
  • @ahmynuts so the guy who delivers messages shouldn’t deliver my well thought out message for why his message was garbage. I should find his people and message them directly instead of him? How about I let him be in the role he’s in and relay my message back so he may take it where it’s needed? Your comments are literally…
  • @ahmynuts give him a break? No, sir. If they quit making bad decisions, and ones that impact me personally as well as thousands of other dedicated players I’d gladly just go away. That’s not how it is sir. I started ranking zemo day 1 for the lock potential. It was only the introduction of relics that made it extremely op.…
  • @"Kabam Miike" i don’t wish you any I’ll will I just wish you and the team would rethink your comments and position on this cause it’s not right.
  • @AngelMcNugget i agree aggression never gets anything positive, but they know this is a garbage move. The fact we have to call it out is RIDICULOUS to me.