
  • Sim, estou kkk por mais que o universo seja fictício, ainda deveria se aplicar realidade kkkk seria mesma coisa se o tocha humana tomasse dano de incinerar kkkk, estou apenas comentando no fórum sobre isso não fazer sentido kkkkk você pode achar isso ridículo ou não, eu não me importo eu vou dar risada. Simplesmente isso,…
  • Theres not a single video on youtbue saying that kabam would put offer for money, and I am on a lot group and not a single one knew it this, they are also surprise. But I was kind innocent I'm playing this game for 7 years since I have 15, well I just start to spend on this game after I get a job and conditions to do so,…
  • Last year kabam didnt put offer for unit just one wich you pay 50 dollars for 10 GBC, last year was just the Odin by himself, it does not have any offer with upgrade of unit or giving crystal, and this year they didn't said nothing if they tell us that would be offer for money on odin I would wait untill coming and get…
  • I'm more sad about, if i knew about this offer I would wait untill today to buy it, i saw you store where i bought my odin and you guys are givinh 5115 units and I just won 3400, Im just asking to give me this offer because i spend what i had to buy it and now this happen, just want the rest of unit and the crystal. Total…
  • Quarta-feira é meu aniversário, kabam, poderia me presentear com 7 estrela no jogo, ganhar novo campeão de presente sexta-feira