
  • Ok what worse can happen if kabam only allowed 3*s in battlegrounds. NO one is gonna leave the game. Even if some players do uninstall the game , they will be back in a week, coz battlegrounds is fun and ranking 3*s is ez .
  • Like I said u ppl are also spending on 3 stars. Every 3* u are pulling is a waste of ur money. I am just trying to make them usefull lol .
  • Well everyone is also paying for 3*s lol. Every time u buy some new hero crystals. U pull some 3*s I am just making those 3*s usefull. Making ur money usefull lol 🤣. U ppl paid for those 3*s. With ur money and time. Why i am the only one trying to make them usefull lol.
  • For example i would share this skilled player's BG experience. He doesn't have a stacked roaster. And still won. But this skilled player won't go to top of the leaderboard just coz he doesn't have a stacked 6* roster. But if it comes to 3* rosters. Maybe this person will in top ranks .
  • Well all and all i believe ofcourse some ppl will not support this 3* move as they like the unfair advantage of their rosters . Also i think it's mostly spenders here in forums or hardcore players. So new players don't have a say in this. Other thing is, their is no downside to this move also as 3*s are fairly ez to rank…
  • Even if u have no interest in getting resources for 3*s. U get those resources anyway lol . The thing with 3* rosters is, everyone can develop stacked 3* rosters . Not everyone can develop a stacked 6* rosters. If game keeps rewarding players with 6* rosters ,who are already at top . Compitition becomes stale . Where rich…
  • I don't understand why are ppl so scared of ranking 3*s lol. Letting go of ur unfair advantage and competing with fair roaster can be fun . U will get to compete with players that have skill but dont have the roasters lol Imagine using kraven or rhino for defense lol or using vulture for offense. ( Vulture bypasses…
  • Some ppl are saying that they are good being a FTP player. But it took u guys years to create that roaster. and will still take year for one who is using 5*s If a new players starts in it will take him years to get to the top of leaderboard . Every other game mode favours money spent and ur team roaster. There should be 1…
  • See battlegrounds depends on 3 things skill, strategy and team roaster Skill , strategy are based on a person's intelligence. Team roaster is just a person's time and money spent in game. What i am saying is 3rd thing should be balanced . Where a team roaster doesn't defeat a person's Skill and strategy . It's like running…
  • Yes ok I checked. It's just that paused armour buffs get hidden under unpaused buffs thanks
  • I am also waiting for the crystal. 18 hrs have passed of 22 feb in india . Even for the US time 6 hrs have passed. Ppl at kabam feel so selfish , can't even pick a average time for everyone . First they pick time based on their timezone then w8 for like 10 hrs to make the crystal available . In my timezone 20 hrs of the 22…
  • Can u guys consider remaking SUPERIOR Iron man . He has the strongest SYMBIOTE armor but has the same abilities as basic iron man .pls kabam make superior iron man stronger