Notamutant ★
@"Kabam Miike" can you please confirm if these stack or not if you don't do every day? I assume they don't, but would like to verify. Thanks
I think this issue is fixed.
Galaxy S23 having this issue. Only seen in apothecary so far.
Nope, I didn't claim anything early and lost all my keys, so did someone else in my alliance.
There is an issue with the Wolverine relic striker. When trying to use it right after a MLLLM combo, in a fight in any mode (currently have him bound to Apocalypse), there is a 90% chance he will completely miss the opponent and just hit into their block, leaving me vulnerable after I return. This happened many times since…
I installed the update on Android, and picked up where I left off with Korg using Apocalypse in Gauntlet. Got 40 on the anti evade counter for him, and died, and restarted the fight after reviving and healing and the evade counter was gone again. Really need compensation for this, cost me so many revives and potions right…
I can confirm after playing chapter 3.3 in variant, using Hyperion against Modok, Modok was able to dash back while I was in the middle of hitting him while he was blocking. Normally you can get a full 5 hits in before the enemy either hits you or dashes back, but they never were able to dash back in the middle before.…
Still looking
Looks like we are full right now.
I know you already had two people reach out to you, but if you haven't decided yet, reach out to me on line: notamutant. We are at 29 members right now, normally do map 4 twice and then map 3 rest of week, came in gold 2 for season, alliance rating is 6.6 million. Line required. We also come in 21-40%, and sometimes even…
I've found a spot for now. Thanks to all the contacted me!
Forgot to mention I am currently level 57. I should be stronger in game once I reach level 60 in a couple months and can respect my masteries out of the experience tree.