Nullifierx ★
2 week break is fine by me. The length of the season is the problem. Needs to be shorter.
I agree wholeheartedly. Take away offenders season points but leave their AW rating the same. Lowering AW rating rewards the offender with easier match ups and punishes the alliances playing fairly with harder match ups.
Looks like they fixed him. Been working like normal today. They need to be transparent about what happened.
It works fine if you don’t do heavy and yes you can get a 30k crit in that mode. I was regularly getting 60k crits after heavy but that rarely happens anymore.
1 outof 5 is too small a sample to make any conclusions. I’ve done 60-70 of these and only one has crit. If I do L2 without heavy first then it crits. This is a silent nerf for sure and typical kabam to ignore it. We need to here from kabam on this.
Looks like what they did is make it where it doesn't crit if you do the Heavy Attack Charging to gain Passive Fury and then chain it into L2. This was the best part of CapIW. The only time I see an L2 crit is when I don't have the passive fury buff applied. Kabam please get this fixed ASAP. You can't put out a champ and…
Game was down almost 3 hours during AQ. We need 30 MINUTE TIMERS.
Please comment on 30 minute timers. That would go a long way to make this easier to swallow.
Will there be 30 minute timers? The late start will throw us totally out of sync with our normal timing and will make it difficult to coordinate timing of different members activity across the world.