When does Season 3 start?



  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 323 ★★★
    2 weeks is plenty, for those that need a break take it, come back on Season 4. or Season 5 if more time needed. For those of us that want the game to not become boring Frequent seasons is the way to go.

    Season is too long too I would actually like a monthly season with NO break. Yes some people will burn out, but those that do can go into lower alliances or take break from game. While those that can handle it can keep going
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    Keonex wrote: »
    2 weeks is plenty, for those that need a break take it, come back on Season 4. or Season 5 if more time needed. For those of us that want the game to not become boring Frequent seasons is the way to go.

    Season is too long too I would actually like a monthly season with NO break. Yes some people will burn out, but those that do can go into lower alliances or take break from game. While those that can handle it can keep going

    It really depends where you play at, if you're in tier 1-2 wars. This does get exhausting and stressful. While in lower levels like gold it has a better balance, so there's going to be a disconnect between people who think 2 weeks is just fine and others that believe it's just not enough time for the turnover and to get ready for another long 6 weeks of a season.
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 550 ★★★
    The funniest part is it makes no difference what anyone here says. Kabam plans everything down to the minute. They will start the season whenever they decide for their own scheduling reasons. They don't care what we want.
  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 343 ★★★
    Born wrote: »
    You guys are getting too greedy. Give us a break.

    I ask myself one thing: who are the greedy ones here?

    Kabam - who opens new content for everyone?

    Or the players - who spend thousands of hours, consider the game tiring and stressful (instead of fun), lie (in many cases), cheat (in many cases) and for what? For a few extra shards? The game should be about FUN not about the prizes.

    So to me, the players are the greedy ones.
    Nobody forces you to spend or to be stressful.
    You have a game. How you play it is entirely up to you.
  • CobsCobs Member Posts: 103
    Born wrote: »
    Seriously? July 11th? That’s just madness!

    I am the leader of a master alliance and take it from me, season wars are very tiring, stressful and allot of time is needed to recruit and settle guys in to paths and build partnerships. I’m about ready to bail after hearing this. You guys are getting too greedy. Give us a break. It’s hardly worth the effort without being able to have a rest between seasons.

    Couldnt agree more! Its a ton of work, stress and resources needed to compete. This isnt enough time to reorganize people/paths and let alone worry about refilling our inventories. Seasons should be 1 month on, one month off, the hostility and stress at the end of the season is very high! Give us some time to chill!
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike that schedule for the next AW is way too hectic.

    Everyone needs a break from AW for awhile, especially the people that don't have a roster full of maxed out 4* & 5* champs that can afford to have them locked in AW.

    This causes so much stress not being able to do multiple events, and are stuck in AW.
  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 343 ★★★
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    The complaint isn’t about the number of shards or rewards. It’s about forcing players to grind harder than necessary. 🤷‍♂️

    Really? Who's forcing you or anybody?
    Miike? Me? Your leader?

    I don't grind harder than I want. And I don't push the colleagues from my alliance to do what they don't want.
    I don't ask anyone to choose between the game and the work or family.
    I don't ask to sacrifice more free time than they want to invest for their own fun.

    So... who is forcing YOU to do all those things?
    Could be... yourself?

  • NullifierxNullifierx Member Posts: 11
    2 week break is fine by me. The length of the season is the problem. Needs to be shorter.
  • PlantesanPlantesan Member Posts: 335 ★★
    NoOnexRO wrote: »
    _ASDF_ wrote: »
    The complaint isn’t about the number of shards or rewards. It’s about forcing players to grind harder than necessary. 🤷‍♂️

    Really? Who's forcing you or anybody?
    Miike? Me? Your leader?

    I don't grind harder than I want. And I don't push the colleagues from my alliance to do what they don't want.
    I don't ask anyone to choose between the game and the work or family.
    I don't ask to sacrifice more free time than they want to invest for their own fun.

    So... who is forcing YOU to do all those things?
    Could be... yourself?

    It doesn’t change the fact that they created a meh system that people stress out about, and then the game team appears to play clueless when the community points out issues with that system.
  • Darkwolf1981Darkwolf1981 Member Posts: 37
    Honestly I'm not happy wars have went from being side content to one of the most rewarding main content of the game. Seasons are too long and no real downtime. Side content should stay side content. Even if u have to make more acts, stories, ect. Not everybody who downloads wants to be in an alliance. Originally u could run solo and still grow. After act 5 if you're not in an alliance u may as well quit. I propose more individual content. Feature quests only take a couple days to 100% so why not give a sub story twice a month along with the feature. Not to mention the only real rewards after act 5 is War? More focus on individual with an emphasis on team play was why i started 3 years ago. Kinda miss the old days kabam.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    edited June 2018
    Please give Hall of Healings for the next 2 weeks during AW Season 'break'.
  • StatStat Member Posts: 113 Content Creator

    Jeez season 2 isn't even done yet. Kabam won't answer you on this so just going from off season 1 then we'll have about a month downtime if I remember rightly.[/quote]have lives and knowing when Season 3 starts can aid us in planning our lives. We don’t need details or whether new nThank you[/quote]

    And now you understand why I asked the question. And I agree, the break is too short.
  • rahul3038rahul3038 Member Posts: 107
    If you're gonna give only 2 weeks....Please make sure that there are no offseason wars....It will be a much needed break from all the stress of not dying!!!!!
  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    2 weeks is fine.
  • PandamanPetePandamanPete Member Posts: 107
    2 weeks is good IMO. More time than that and I'd get bored of just AQ
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    Last time we got a month break between seasons this time we get barley a 2 week break, trying their hardest to burn out players and cause more alliances to fold, there has already been so many retirements since AQ changes and AW season 1 ending
  • Snail_McGavinSnail_McGavin Member Posts: 105
    So tired of game team dropping one liners followed by we’ll fill you in with more info later. With Season 3 only two weeks away let’s just spill the beans now then open forums for feedback. Obviously this date was set in stone.

    Honestly though it’s summer with some of having kids out of school, vaca’s planned, etc... I guess it’s Kabam first, then other stuff, but way in the back it’s the player communities voice and opinion.
  • THX135THX135 Member Posts: 83
    Kabam, we really only taking a 2 week break between AW seasons?

    The cheating and piloting methods are still being used and Kabam has not figured out a way to detect these new methods. There are known methods to reveal defense placement and piloting that cannot be detected by Kabam. Yet Kabam pushes on to season 3 with a short 2 week break?
  • Marzipan87Marzipan87 Member Posts: 44
    2 weeks seems to be fair,
    4 weeks is way too long!
    But i would prefer 6 week season 2 weeks off
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,387 ★★★★
    3 weeks off, 4 weeks on seems reasonable
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    LOL, war season during summer. Alllies will have a very hard time kicking inactive players.
  • Nerfed2DefNerfed2Def Member Posts: 292 ★★
    Push that date way back. Everyone had about enough as is. No need to reapply the cause.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    How about eliminating seasons all together. This system just have made cheating rampant and blatanly disgusting.
  • Davechou7Davechou7 Member Posts: 3
    Its not seasons that made cheating rampant. Its the season rewards that drive people to cheat.

    AW rewards is the only place in any mode that allows the massive amount of rank up resources people need to rank up 5 & 6 star champs.

    If Kabam lowered rewards in AW and updated AQ with similar rewards cheating would be less rampant.
  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Davechou7 wrote: »
    Its not seasons that made cheating rampant. Its the season rewards that drive people to cheat.

    AW rewards is the only place in any mode that allows the massive amount of rank up resources people need to rank up 5 & 6 star champs.

    If Kabam lowered rewards in AW and updated AQ with similar rewards cheating would be less rampant.

    I agree in part. But rather than lower rewards in absolute terms, I believe that parcelling it down in smaller packages, with shorter seasons, would achieve pretty much the same objective. Shorter seasons is something others have been advocating for, and makes tons of sense. For starters, it will reduce the stress on each and every alliance, and in turn leadership and members. Think of something like AQ - each 'competition' is 5 days long; if something goes wrong, or you miss the target, so be it, you try again next week. For AW seasons, the 2 month period is insane. You have to play at a top level for 24 wars in a row, and the pressure comes from the fact that if you screw up just 1 time too many, you could be missing out on some massive rewards. Now if those rewards were parcelled down to half their sizes and seasons cut down to 1 month for instance, then you get closer to the AQ mentality whereby alliances feel less stress and think "ok that was a mess up this month, we'll do better next month".

    All this pressure on players is an extremely short sighted move by Kabam's part to squeeze value out of their current player base. I humbly and respectfully urge the game team to listen to the community. Preserve the community you have now, reduce the stress and pressure on players and leadership alike. You'll still get the spending in AW if you just cut down the seasons length. Something like the length of season 3 should be possible to be changed with effect right now!
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