
  • Not purely skill based at all. Fight requires specific champions as counter, good RNG, and a lot of luck. Dumbest fight yet for EoP. Let’s move back to hard fights that any champion or at least most champions can do not just 4-5 champions.
  • Yep back to very specific champion fights again. Thought we were moving away from that? Guess not. Best two counters fairly new champs in Galan and Hulkling I’m which most of us don’t have. Kree champs? Really? Great tactics once again.
  • I would disagree with this opinion and that’s fine we all have an opinion on it.
  • The difference in 7* and when five and six stars came about is that the game is so much more monetized than before. Many Free to play players quit and gave it up because they couldn’t keep up with the pace of the game. I can just imagine the gap and how it’s gets bigger and bigger with the introduction of 7* champions. I…
  • Yes I agree it has to be beneficial for the company and the end user (in this case gamers). I just think at some point they have to start dividing up the crystals so you can target what you are looking for. They do this today with paid crystals often through deals, but this needs to become part of normal game play. Like…
  • Agree with the point of RNG to a point. Still should be a way to collect the champions that you want and need at times for certain content. I still believe this game is not totally RNG. 230+ champions in game and you pull three or four of the same champion back to back to back. Seems not so random.
  • This argument is laughable. A dice with 6 sides numbers 1-6. Ok easy odds are 1 in 6 that you can roll a number of your choosing. Add 6 more sides numbers 1-12. Now odds are 1 in 12 that you can roll a number of your choosing. Add 6 more. Yep now it’s 1 in 18 odds. Now let’s that that 18 sides dice and make the numbers…
  • Again we can agree to disagree. A larger pool of unique champions, rocks, playing cards, or anything makes it harder to obtain all unique items. There is no way around that fact. And it really doesn’t matter because if 7* champions entered the game I will in fact be done. End of story. I know Kabam or anyone else dont care…
  • And that’s your opinion which you are entitled to. Yes it is 100% more difficult to get champions you don’t have today than three years ago. That’s simple math and odds. 1 out of 100 is much easier to obtain than 1 out of 200. That’s factual and not opinion.
  • That’s your opinion, but others have their own. The game isn’t the same for everyone. This thread proves that.
  • The acquisition of champions is what many of us are still here for “to collect them all”. It’s a chase that sees no end and quite frustrating to have been playing a game for 8 years and still only have a fragment of the champions available. As time goes on it gets harder and harder because the meta don’t change. Same…
  • @TitoBandito187 agree 100% @GroundedWisdom agree to disagree
  • I started playing MCOC because my love of Marvel universe and the game was fun. There were story modes and your progress of the story modes helped you progress to the next level of champs. The game was fun to play with me and my kids. Then over time it changed, more added, difficult content that you either pay to complete,…
  • And just like that they killed Scarlet again. Lol. A small glimmer of hope that she could return as relevant in this game as she once was and poof. Gone. I agree it was OP but to take it all away is a shame. 3 prowess limit puts her back on the bench and back to the bottom of the mystics.
  • I have been with this game since the beginning and would quit with a 7* announcement or introduction. The scale of economy would be too great. Many (the majority) of us can’t even keep or get resources to get the next level of 6* champs beyond R3. We are well into the 6* era and the game economy still lags way behind…
  • iPhone 8S Plus , IOS 5.3.1 - game crashes on opening. Uninstalled and reinstalled same issue. Many in alliance reporting the same issue
  • No it’s the treasury from the alliance you are in. Not referring to past alliances. There’s no win here. The alliances get screwed and the players that donated to the treasury. We have people that don’t play the same maps. So they get tickets for maps they will never run? The whole idea is just ignorant. It’s a bad system…
  • I’d disagree. What was in the treasury should be given back to the people that put it in. They didn’t put in tickets they put in gold, BC, and Loyalty. ALL of which can be used for other things
  • The resources most definitely should be distributed evenly back to the members. Not like resources are easy to come by and those treasuries had a lot of stuff that was funded by the players
  • Kind of defeats the purpose in being in an alliance. If that’s the case then just pair people up that want to run a certain map.
  • Agreed! @"Kabam Miike" our alliance is at odds just talking about this. This new “payment” method is seriously flawed. The alliances that run split maps have to way to split the costs! Map six people have to pay for it all and the people that run map 5 have no way to split the costs. Doesn’t seem like much thought put into…
  • I hope that nobody buys that ridiculous offer.
  • The prestige war only matters if you are doing AQ. Another reason many people are quitting AQ is they can’t keep up with the top players and the gal just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
  • Call it what you will and we can agree to disagree. I’ve been gaming for 40 years and it’s the pi$$ poorest excuse for “challenging content” that has been in any game that I have played through those many years. Yes it makes it harder to deal with and in many cases impossible. There’s so much BS that you cannot do unless…
  • I know and again they put those champs on stupid nodes that give you more damage than just fighting them does. Magik limbo at 3500 damage per tick Dormammu degen at 3000 damaged per tick Electro on bleed node - seriously! This list goes on and on. It’s just poor design and laziness.
  • I hope not. The demand for time is high enough as it is for most people that have lives outside of this game that work all day and/or have family time. The logging in every couple of hours or every hour depending on your level is a nuisance.
  • Way more ways to make a challenge than what they have done. What they have done is just create ways where you can’t fight through WITH mechanics. Champion and node combinations plus attack values and block penetration that are absurd. It’s a unit fest for people to try and clear it. That’s not a challenge that’s pay to…
  • Another example of the problem with this game comes out today. The sig stone bundle for 6* sig stones complete trash. So much more than it was a year ago. In the midst of all this feedback about current game state they release a 50.00 (US currency) bundle that is horrendous! And we wonder why the community continues to be…
  • Yes you should have to develop a deep roster and have the skills but shouldn’t be for only the top spenders or people of the player base. That’s my point. If you have a bunch of 5 or 6* champions that you have put resources in and have the skill you should be able to complete the story quests.