Pbishop ★
At this point did anything really change about him guy is still a colorful trash can
He’s just a colorful drax meh damage & no utility whatsoever lol & a glorified war defense champ
I completely agree @Fredhorst23 i can like him reason I maxed him out but man I was hoping this supposed powerhouse would become as such
Name me one practical good utility that he has over his peers & again like & dislike whoever you want & I can say he is a fun different type of champ but it’s just a fact this man is a big colorful drax lol
When has he even been a powerhouse I can name 10 powerhouses he’s no where near them
You can like or dislike whoever you want I’m not trying to make you dislike him I’m looking at it as there’s a undisputed fact that when it come to adding champs to a game like this you want them to be different then the rest and yea his play style is unique but that’s it there’s nothing else
At this point he’s a just flashy drax meh damage & no utility to keep with his cosmic brothers & sisters or today’s content
When was he ever good he’s a glorified defender you cant tell me he’s top 10 or even top 15 cosmic before or after @MAERvelGOD
Yea Red Skull is a little dull containing that much power & knowledge I hope it gets a buff on the road map they had
You know when he’s getting added @MCOCMcdonalds
Rewards yea but also They need to make the nodes compatible with that entire class not just a few From each one like the tech chpt seems like it meant for no one lol, diss track is meant for void and HT, and the mutant one Omega Red and Colossus
I’m with seatin on this one the rewards are a joke NOT Cavalier difficulty itself KABAM had the right idea at this point you just putting words in his mouth have you even watched his video. like yea the Diss track are build for void/HT/CAPIW which I only have one really ranked up which is void not every science champ can…
Is anyone having trouble with the arena points cause I don’t feel like sitting here In a life sucking Mental energy draining dark abyss that is arena or is it just me
Wait I always thought halls of glory and hall of healing costed no energy or am I wrong because this 3 energy a move is costly specially with all this other content I have to do
So am I gonna be here grinding a life sucking Boring abyss that we call arena I really hate arena lol or should I wait till they fix the shard arena
Can’t find you @Kill_Grey4112
Are you serious I have to get him up to sig 200 just for a 1400 degen that don’t seem worth it at all 😑
I’m watching seatin review on him right now I guess i got overly hyped on the fact that I like EM and heard buff
A basic 20 I’m frighten to waste any sig levels on him @VolumeOne
I pm you bro @Addyos
I pm bro @UltraGislooking4_
I don’t think we need more cosmic reworks that class is already filled with MVPs iron p & colossus Sound like the best way to go
I added you @Negritis
AA & voodoo will put him down
AA & voodoo is a great counter to Aegon
Will I ever be able to use the beta 😐 @"Kabam Miike"
Sabertooth, killmonger, spidey stark, Captain IW,venom
Like one of claw attacks similar to omega red