Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • rank down tickets should be given to the people who ranked any champ who benefits from the new global.... almost every top alliance had their defense ready.....
  • can we get a quickly response about this?, it changes entirely the purpose of this season. @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra"
  • How about you guys give 150 tickets instead 1500 glory that won't be used? I'm glad i stopped giving you my money.
  • They didn't deducted the points from war #10, shame on you kabam..
  • Good buff for everyone except for Rank 1, only an extra 10% t5cc that's really low.
  • No. Most of us who has arkus ranked spent $$$ ton of money buying the sig stones deals to keep increasing arkus prestige to keep going on the top 10 AQ race so, yeah he is right, we are loosing money cuz of this bug, we are loosing rewards, a bit more a bit less but still we are missing rewards, and kabam dont give them…
  • Not from arkus, u should check ur champs
  • For real? @"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Porthos" @"Kabam Lyra" Unbelievable...... I’ll think twice before buying any more 6 star sig stones deals.
  • Seriously no updates on this issue, its really disappointing that you guys gonna run the fix till the next update. A compensation definetely should be given, i personally had to rank a different champ to r3 to keep going on the top10 AQ prestige race. Imagine being force to do a rank up you don’t want just because arkus is…
  • Another AQ cycle is going to start and Aarkus is not fixed yet, are we going to get every reward we should get if he wasn’t bugged? How are you guys going to handle the rewards not obtained for multiple top alliances due this bug, yes top alliances that have spent ton of money on increasing arkus prestige because 6 star…
  • So when is Arkus getting fixed? Its been a while and we are not getting any solutions, this issue should have priority since a lot of people invested not only sig stones but also spent money and resources on ranking this champion. Please don’t ignore us kabam and do something!
  • as I said the dude had suicides on when he fought apoc, we didnt place champion on hazard shift so he couldnt do that strat, as soon as he finished the fight i dueled so i verified he had suicides when he took that boss down.
  • Last time we faced that alliance they killed our Apocalypse rank3 boss with ghost + wasp but without hood synergy, i dueled that guy right after he killed our bosses because it was weird that he just lost around 4 to 5% hp and when I dueled him that guy had suicides on, so how was it possible to do it in less than a minute…
  • What about the first war of AW season, are you guys going to do something about it? @"Kabam Porthos"
  • so I got around 11 War champions titles, does it means i'm getting the new "Undisputed War Champion" or everyone gonna start at 0? @"Kabam Miike"
  • so I was in the middle of my Legends run for 6.4, big boosted and had a real beast time attempting for number 1, the question is: are you guys going to fix it? deduct the time im losing by just waiting while you guys work on this emergency maintenance? @"Kabam Miike"
  • wrong, actually rewards were way buffed for lower tiers than top3 according what they will get now!
  • at least 50% of t5cc should be implemented considering the new difficulty, but hey, kabam plans are to release $100 offer for 25% t5cc before AW season ends so you literally gain the same without doing any effort than spend some bucks for them!
  • And i thought this incomming season would be really fun because a lot of alliances would push for the new rewards, but taking a look on it i just realized the competition will be the same as usual good job kabam! making the only competitive mode in the whole game boring as always.
  • So assumming an alliance has 30 members with 3 differents IMIF 4,5,6stars, we are talking about 90 Iron mans, the rest 60 medusas,dormammus, morningstars, dominos and every hard champion, assuming this obviously some alliances wont be able to 100% explore the map, is this what u want kabam? Good job! I dont really think…