Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

New Attacker Tactic Debuff Detox STILL NOT WORKING

So despite reporting the tactic isnt working throughout all offseason, and people from lower tiers reporting that the new attacker tactic Debuff Detox isnt working, is this going to be rolled out to the new season?
THe problem: 6 dexes/ 6 blocked hits DONT TRIGGER DEBUFF IMMUNITY.
Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7F-5OmaNes

Is this abother tactic we have to live with and adapt to, in its broken state? Like sick and tired didnt work for a few champs till a couple ccp members pushed it. In that case : @RichTheMan @Munash can you push it to these guys?

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax ^^


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    TheBair123TheBair123 Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    they've got 2 days, hopefully it's fixed in the update that we're getting soon and they just didn't say anything about it
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★
    RIP tactics.
    Will be fixed next season when rewards for top dogs matters.
    Why I say that? Cuz it was bugged last season too and there were plenty of threads on the topic.
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    RIP tactics.
    Will be fixed next season when rewards for top dogs matters.
    Why I say that? Cuz it was bugged last season too and there were plenty of threads on the topic.

    It is for t1 THIS SEASON. Until we tested it now, we didnt know it was bugged. I have been sending reports EVERY OFFSEASON War.
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★

    RIP tactics.
    Will be fixed next season when rewards for top dogs matters.
    Why I say that? Cuz it was bugged last season too and there were plenty of threads on the topic.

    It is for t1 THIS SEASON. Until we tested it now, we didnt know it was bugged. I have been sending reports EVERY OFFSEASON War.
    It's been bugged at least since last off season
    Numerous threads were opened on forums when unsteady ground tactic was announced but almost all of those threads were deleted without any response
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    SaltygoodnessSaltygoodness Posts: 355 ★★
    If they aren’t going to fix it they should at least change the tactic description not to mislead players
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    AMS94 said:

    RIP tactics.
    Will be fixed next season when rewards for top dogs matters.
    Why I say that? Cuz it was bugged last season too and there were plenty of threads on the topic.

    It is for t1 THIS SEASON. Until we tested it now, we didnt know it was bugged. I have been sending reports EVERY OFFSEASON War.
    It's been bugged at least since last off season
    Numerous threads were opened on forums when unsteady ground tactic was announced but almost all of those threads were deleted without any response
    Yup ive seen those, they fixed Sick and tired during the second season through. Now they arent fixing this new tactic. WHat a joke. It isnt even on the trello board after a hundred threads made aout this issue.
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    Kabam JaxKabam Jax Posts: 1,715
    Hello Summoners!

    The team has been aware of this and trying to find a solution for a little while.
    More information is available here!

    Thank you for your patience!
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    ShibbyMcDudeShibbyMcDude Posts: 33
    edited November 2022
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners!

    The team has been aware of this and trying to find a solution for a little while.
    More information is available here!

    Thank you for your patience!

    Jax.. please tell me you are kidding right??

    First, the defiance tactic also was bugged as hell. Everyone was super happy the tactic ended, and now we getting it back?

    Secondly, I just made a whole defence lineup for my BG pushing for masters, based on the new tactic. Now you ask me to make ANOTHER defensive lineup for defiance, which is a pain in the ass with new members and 1!!!! Day before season starts.

    Third, we have members that ranked up champs for AW season based on the new tactic…. Its unacceptable that these rankups are less optimal now..

    I urgently ask to reconsider postponing the season. Even if it’s only to give high tier alliances (and all others) the time to change the things they need to change now..

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    ReyAlemánReyAlemán Posts: 88
    wasted resources by ranking useless champs now... c'mon!
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    PepeqlPepeql Posts: 24
    rank down tickets should be given to the people who ranked any champ who benefits from the new global.... almost every top alliance had their defense ready.....
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    BitterSteelBitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners!

    The team has been aware of this and trying to find a solution for a little while.
    More information is available here!

    Thank you for your patience!

    Additionally, only the tactic will change right?

    New nodes will be the same (so path 2 being the placebo buffs), boss mode is the same?

    White list and black list remains the same as well?
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    Kabam JaxKabam Jax Posts: 1,715

    Additionally, only the tactic will change right?

    New nodes will be the same (so path 2 being the placebo buffs), boss mode is the same?

    White list and black list remains the same as well?

    Correct. The only change is the one mentioned.
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    ShibbyMcDudeShibbyMcDude Posts: 33

    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners!

    The team has been aware of this and trying to find a solution for a little while.
    More information is available here!

    Thank you for your patience!

    Jax.. please tell me you are kidding right??

    First, the defiance tactic also was bugged as hell. Everyone was super happy the tactic ended, and now we getting it back?

    Secondly, I just made a whole defence lineup for my BG pushing for masters, based on the new tactic. Now you ask me to make ANOTHER defensive lineup for defiance, which is a pain in the ass with new members and 1!!!! Day before season starts.

    Third, we have members that ranked up champs for AW season based on the new tactic…. Its unacceptable that these rankups are less optimal now..

    I urgently ask to reconsider postponing the season. Even if it’s only to give high tier alliances (and all others) the time to change the things they need to change now..

    Btw it’s conduit, I’m aware of that. Small mistake on my side. Just doing my best to totally forget Conduit 😉😅
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    Carmel1Carmel1 Posts: 629 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners!

    The team has been aware of this and trying to find a solution for a little while.
    More information is available here!

    Thank you for your patience!

    If you acknowledge that the tactic is broken, why do you remove it only from tier1 and tier2? Why not from tier3 and under?
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    ShibbyMcDudeShibbyMcDude Posts: 33
    Carmel1 said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello Summoners!

    The team has been aware of this and trying to find a solution for a little while.
    More information is available here!

    Thank you for your patience!

    If you acknowledge that the tactic is broken, why do you remove it only from tier1 and tier2? Why not from tier3 and under?
    Tier 3/4 use a different tactic
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    frodo2377frodo2377 Posts: 315 ★★★
    Lower tiers can choose between all 3 defensive/offensive tactics. If the attack tactic debuff detox isn't working and Kabam's solution is to go back to Conduit for Tiers 1/2.....all the lower tiers are left without a working attack tactic counter for unsteady ground.

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    frodo2377frodo2377 Posts: 315 ★★★
    @Kabam Jax Does the team have an answer as to why the changes for Tier 1 and 2 but not for the lower tiers? Having to face unsteady ground defenders with no viable attack counter is unfair.
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    VendemiaireVendemiaire Posts: 2,178 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Additionally, only the tactic will change right?

    New nodes will be the same (so path 2 being the placebo buffs), boss mode is the same?

    White list and black list remains the same as well?

    Correct. The only change is the one mentioned.
    We managed to get Plat 2 last season but dropped to Tier 3 in the last war. In the post, it says that it will be reverted back to Tier 1 and 2 alliances only. So if our opponent decided to use Unsteady Ground as their tactic, we're gonna have to deal with a broken tactic on our first official season war?
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