ever since I started this game, which is like 2 years ago, the only god tier champ I've pulled are Magik and Iceman, be grateful, I've got a ton of trash 5* (Loki is sig 80 now)
No way dude, i did it with a much better roster, and i still struggle and had to use a few revives. only sparky and the rest of your roster seems bs to beat act 5 :smile:
ofc she is, stop showing off :smile:
you should be able to, i beat him with 4* NC, Void unduped, quake, and dormamu and WS, both 2/35. Maestro isn't that hard too beat, his sp can be dodge easily. with that team you should be able to beat him without revives or even health potions :smile:
i can relate bro, opened 3 featured and still no sign of corvus, loki duped :neutral:
yeah but that much of 5 star duped at that lv, not to mention a probably a lot of decent 5* (i'm jealous btw)
Mind take a pic of your entire 5* roster ?
or could be the rewards from LOL (no offend or anything, its just that your only lv 50 and haven't done much in the game) or you could be crazy rich and spend alot of money :smile:
Void bro, he needs dupe to be good, the rest don't
yeah thanks guys, but unfortunately i don't have a credit card (i put money in through gift card), i'll try google play support to see if they can help
With your current team i'd say going for uncollected would be very hard and costly, you might want to have at least rank 5,50 champions and alot of revives, but 4.4 shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks guys, i've already explored act5 chapter 1,2 and 4, just one more chapter to go until Elder's Bane, i'll try to explored the whole thing to get the 5* generic gem, in that case, is iceman worth a gem or should i wait for other champs?
Gulk is your best option, as both Star-lord and Doc Voodoo need to be awakened to be good, other than that, rogue or ultron are also good
been playing for 1 year now, opened every single corvus featured crystal, never get him, not even 3 star, looking at your 4* corvus make me feels bad man
yeah i'd probably go for sabre as he is duped and AA isn't, thanks guys
Archangel or Void, don't level up black panther, hes pretty bad
got her 4* and 5*, she's definitely god tier, although she takes a bit of time to get used to
I though so too, thanks :smile: