R_Man_Do18 ★
I have people in my alliance needing that glory to complete the 180 tickets. When is it gonna drop?
This exactly. Not to mention whoever spent twice will have extra tickets just sitting there until next Raids, and not the available resources they used to get those tickets.
Yo!!! Wtf!!! Are these guys high or what?? I spent loyalty twice!!! What am I supposed to do with that??
Same here. I spent loyalty twice!! 1st and 2nd day. I would like my loyalty back.
I mean, hell, you rank champs and stuff like this happens. Where is the motivation.
And now time is up and it's gone. Hopefully you guys can do something about it.
I cannot buy the piggy bank either. I just completed the missions. The little piggy symbol appears by my units l, but once you enter the offers, it is not there and The time will run out. Fix it!!!
Do you think there will be like a consequence as far of banning me from future transactions or something like that? I mean, at this point I rather just let it expire.
What happens if I don't actually end up paying? Will it just expire? I tried to pay at the nearest 7Eleven and they told me their system was down. I'm not driving all the way to the next closeselt one lol.
Same issue over here. 😪
Can't access AW. Every time I hit the AW tab I get stuck here. I also get the Red WiFi connection issue everytime I try to do something in the game. I'm an android user, playing on a Samsung 10S Plus.
End this season now!! Last AW shouldn't have happened either. Too much going on. And now this. Don't make this problem bigger than it already is. Take the leaderboard as it was before all this began and make the cut there. And compensate accordingly.
There should be more fingerpointing here. Docking is a consolation prize for the members that didn't cheat, but as someone said, it is a weak punishment... If they really wanted to erradicate the cheating, or at least make the cheaters think twice, their war results for the alliance should be voided and the users cheating…
Does the Cosmic Ultron in AQ have pacify mastery as well or some kind of accuracy reducing ability?? He inflicts poison and my Cap Sig 200 wasn't shrugging it off consistently. I had kinetic charges every time it happened. I had Blade on the team.
I had both CapIW and Omega at R4. Went for Cap and couldn't be happier. For Omega, I don't run suicides which he benefits a lot from and he hits with a pillow, his damage relies on the spores. You have to be super aggressive and as you said, it can cost you. As for CapIW, his sig ability gives you a lot of utilities…
Are the maps gonna be free this time around??? No point in investing resources for such crappy rewards.
Boogz98, are u still looking?
Come think about it... This needs to be fixed ASAP.... Don't know if it's coincidence or what, but it happens to be the one potion that is 100 units... So of course instead of using 2 lvl4 pots I have to use 4 lvl 3, because I'm not spending my units, but now I'm 11/15 on items