Rajhp ★
Are these rewards weekly or once per season (2 month)??
You can get new champ before release by content creator program for testing.
Had same problem. Solution = don't ask for help after arena . That worked for me.
Having same issue with random heavy atteck..
Same problem with me after this gifting event started unit drop rate reduced. Looks like Kabam want max amount money from this event.
If they won't give anything dislike fb page is only option
T5 basic added so is there gonna be t4 basic more available and sell t4 basic for t5fregments?
I did with 4/40 4stars Hardest chapter 5.2.4 And collector was easier than i expected 4 team revives my best champion undup Scarlet because she doesn't trigger any buff/debuff which is helpful in 5.2.3/4
ghost rider is good even undup, scrlet dup is best..
I think jessica is coming soon , you can see her in new login screen bottom left..
Can I join rating 125k
Not playing current war because Even if we do 100 % with diversity we cant win because of the hero rating.
Not playing current war because Even if we do 100% with diversity we cant win because of hero rating. As always opponent alliance is over powered which sucks with new war systems. SO IMPROVE SCORING AND LINKED NODE SYSTEM..
2* scarlet
So should i use 30 sig-stone on starlord? Cause I have only 2* guilly
What about rogue? And BW,Loki,SW for other fights?
Question :- How to find which arena bucket we are in??