RoKoPlayzzz ★
1) add me on dis: I'mNotSus#8060 (dont question it) 2) I have school so wont be on 8-4 weekdays
I got uncollected after the start of the calendar but I still got a 4*.
Is line required?
Is line required?
Are you still searching for a member. I dont have line, is it required?
It's just personal preference. I love quake, domino and blade more than anybody else. (Then Doom)
You cant rank up corvus :smirk: But tbh I havent even tried it yet so I cant really help u there. Good luck when you do try it out tho!
We are having a little rest and then we are gonna wake up and CLAPPPPPP u guys :)
Iron patriot and cyclops are the only reason I pop not spin. If u spin you feel more tense and nervous (and probably end up with a bad pull). But if u pop you wont feel all tense and nervous (but you will probably end up with a bad pull). Hope this helps.
I got doom a couple weeks ago aswell. I think I threw my phone...
Not relevant but if you ever come up against doom... JUST QUAKE IT!
No he knows ur an idiot. Your saying things you cant prove. @Lormif has literally nothing to prove to you.
YA BOI CYCLOPS (blue) SAYS YA'LL ARE TRASH. I worked so hard to get sig 200 on my cyclops and I didnt even use a single sig stone.
She doesnt 'need' synergies, shes perfectly capable of smashing through opponents without the synergies. I dont have red hulk at all and I only have massacre as a 3*. Suprisingly, she does perfectly fine. Dont get me wrong, the new synergy for cable is insane! But dont diss my girl domino.
Cable doesnt need a buff. He can shred with his degen.
Tbh this is just a stupid request. I'm not even gonna try and explain.
Its spelt cryokinesis not cyro. P.s. google didnt correct me.
I use blade, domino or any one else in my team :smile:
Warlock and his heal block.
Never sell champs :/
I may have risked quite a bit not ranking up doom, warlock or domino but that's why I did this roulette, to give the other 5* a chance. And anyway, void is amazing.
Option 5 wins!
Who is unit man
If they release 6* quake...
Oh god I hope blue cyclops didnt actually get picked!
Go down a different path.
Why u dissin my man joe. He can 1 shot everybody in abyss!
Magneto Bwcv Cmm Cap iw