Robbie_75 ★
Hyp, just keep spamming sp1.
Blade, regen takes him from good to great. SL, meh unawakened, insane damage awakened.
No way to answer this. The fight/node dictates who the best champ is.
Was just about to start my own thread. After we won our last war in tier 3 we placed our defense and it said tier 2 but when attack started it says tier 3.
7500 prestige ign Robbie75 same for line
Yes you should. I’ve got mine at r4 and he can easily one shot map 5/6 Dom in AQ. Once awakened he becomes a good defender. Personally don’t care for auto we are champs for attack, evading instead of parry leaves you open to receiving damage so I hope I don’t dupe mine but if I do he immediately becomes an AW mini boss.
His usefulness isn't in a strong attack but in his ability to take minimal damage when blocking. He's great for newer players to use while learning how to evade like a ninja (check out Dorky Diggity Daves vid).
Yes, it's possible. Level 60 with 70 energy and went straight thru non stop with 3 energy remaining.