
  • Gone with "yes", assuming the intention is to open more mastery points and increased energy cap. Not sure what happens to XP for capped players so it would be nice for it to count for something.
  • Agree, but perhaps also have the stash auto-sell items for us when they expire and save us the hassle?
  • Absolutely agree here! First time you hit magneto in 4.2.6 is a great example of when you want this function...
  • Thanks for the insight Amazing_Demon05 - my assumption was from my own experience in duels - it always seemed to be the profiled champion for me, but interesting to know it's not always the case! In a way your point supports the feasibility of the idea if Kabaam were to consider adding it - if the profile pic doesn't…
  • I like the idea (and thanks for sharing the insight into previous 2016 showcasing). Also, there was a recent post on a similar subject - re: "Danger Room", so it seems an attractive topic:
  • Useful idea and you'd think dead easy for Kabaam to add it in. How many precious refills have been wasted only to level up and replenish all energy on the next node...
  • Lore-wise I totally agree - Hulk being unable to regenerate doesn't fit what the comic book character can do and feels wrong for the character. Game play-wise as many others have mentioned, his health is tied to the core mechanic for Hulk, who at lower health and with his stun-lock potential and fury he really wrecks…
  • For a profile/chat display cosmetic I agree with that being able to change your profile image to what you want would be satisfying. CeeJay also makes a good point about limiting your choices to your top champions, because the profile image currently indicates the duel opponent you would fight.
  • I like the idea. Obviously for champions you already have you simply go pick a fight in a quest or arena! But a Danger Room could allow you to experience the fighting merits of new champions or those you don't have yet and let Kabaam interactively showcase their new or up-and-coming champions. My alliance often search out…