RøguePersephøne23 ★
I don't need to get my hopes up because from what they said about the tune up its going to make him better regardless. all he really needs is an easier way to keep the debuffs up either through pausing them during specials or just increasing the duration but obviously its a tune up so they'll be giving him more than that.
You are not playing him correctly, you need to use a heavy when you convert your plasmas to get the attack increase, . This was my 5/65 and I only got to 3 plasmas before he died, converting your plasmas with the heavy is crucial to his playstyle as it sky rockets his damage to levels that make his long ramp worth it.
You just had to say sum huh
I really hope this bug gets fixed soon because Red Guardian is one of my favorite and most used champs in the game and to have one of the biggest mechanics in his kit broken it definitely mitigates his damage by a noticeable amount, especially in longer matchups, I also don't want him to be bugged for Eternity of pain
the beta opens up in like 10 hours so its probably too late 😭. I'm just gonna go to bed