
  • In war if you want, ok But be honest please, blade allows to do 5.4-5.5 act and labyrynth of legends, attack war, legend title, war attack VERY EASY .. hulk no. they have nothing to do. Gladiator hulk is well balanced. blade broke the game in all modes.
  • In war if you want, ok But be honest please, blade allows to do 5.4-5.5 act and labyrynth of legends, attack war, legend title, war attack VERY EASY .. hulk no. they have nothing to do. Gladiator hulk is well balanced. blade broke the game in all modes.
  • I agree with the author of this thread. blade is an abuse as Scarlet witch had the mutant team. blade is over used. it allows to finish easy without paying expensive -act 5.4 -act 5.5 - legend run titles - labyrynth of legend - -attack war it completely ruined the game. Please kabam repair the contest
  • you can give your opinion, your solutions, your proposals, but disrespect and taunt players who have a different opinion of you is not a behavior that will advance and evolve the game, please we can to discuss in respect? why do people become so aggressive when players talk about games, abuse and their deviance?
  • In war, ok, if you want . But be honest please, blade allows to do 5.4-5.5 act, labyrynth of legends legend titles and war attack VERY EASY. gladiator hulk no. Lol. they have nothing to do. Gladiator hulk is well balanced. blade broke the game in all modes.
  • they are completely different. blade can control its big regeneration only by pressing on the screen and gaining power as well as significant bleeding. Gladiator hulk has just a little regeneration that only appears under certain conditions, it does not inflict bleeding and does not gain power. It can block the power just…
  • Some of the players who do not want a rebalancing blade are probably the same ones who did not want Scarlet witch, strange, block team and other abuses in the contest. @AlexVanDamme81 you have to know that it is very difficult to talk and find solutions with players about character nerf that they have paid dearly or waited…
  • the only arguments of the defenders of blade is to say "do not put more naughty and mystic in defense" it does not make sense, change all the defenders that we have up for years (magik dorma, ... ) just for 1 character? it shows exactly that this character is too powerful.
  • Please the best defenders are currently medusa modok magik mephisto dormamu and other...... please stop with your arguments "stop placing so much mystic" the problem is not only to the mystic but to all the bad character ! Put captain marvel ant man she hulk drax cable and other useless character in defense is not smart…
  • yes, I agree with you on some points, but the functioning of wars is not the subject of discussion. maybe because it's obvious .... but blade can one shot medusa boss
  • Blade allows of course to do all the content of the game without paying a lot, like scarlet witch, team block or strange at the beginning of the game. kabam does not like it. I think kabam prefers that people pay a lot
  • Kabam knows this problem. they can see that people are no longer buying heal and reanimation because people don’t die in alliance war anymore. Kabam will earn less money. Two options are possible: -(1) kabam nerve blade. ( Little probability because the community would be angry ) (2) kabam create a big war defensor counter…