
  • Thanks a lot for allowing the players to send feedbacks from their experience. This is really appreciated and awesome. I don’t want to offend anyone who is putting efforts to make the gaming experience better for the gamers. Just wanna express what I actually felt throughout my initial experience. First I want to share the…
  • Yup, we are facing the same issue ! It’s not that hard to make decent matches among alliances to fight. Simply do a weighted average of alliance war rating, prestige and overall alliance rating. That way alliances which are similar to each other regarding just one variable but different in all others shouldn’t be facing…
  • This time expectations to have a better experience with War turned out to be a completely opposite experience, we are a gold 2 alliance with an alliance rating of 14.5 mil and prestige of around 6500. Where the 2 opponents we got so far this season are 33 mil, 10k prestige and 21.6 mil 8.5k prestige alliances. On the first…
  • I would like to know the total amount of units spend along with total game time, total number of crystals purchased and opened with mentioning of the types of the crystals !! Besides the bragging rights it should give me an insight to spend those units better !!