
  • theres no fix!!! the game first crashed when attemped to join incursions, then i was able to join but got no rewards... that was yesterday, few minutes ago i tried it and the game crashed again! kabam goats but at least we get "offers" every 5 mins to spend units and money for a game thats not working 🥳
    in SAGA SECTOR Comment by Seb12 July 11
  • hes talking bout the first light hit after the double hit medium 😎✌🏻
  • this is a "known issue" since wolf is a tactic attacker but u cant use him due to this reparry issue 👌🏻
  • well, its way more important to give us a r3 corvus for 1000 bugs, i mean literally 1000 bugs and then just buy 7* champs 😅😂 kabam cant handle all these bugs anymore, but people still spend all this cash, so why would they do anything about it?! tbh i wouldnt either if i was busy swimming in money like dagobert duck 🤑
    in Alliance war bug Comment by Seb12 May 18
  • @"Kabam Miike" ????? i know there are trillions of issues with this game, but these missing points for missing defenders will lead to us not havong p3 rewards at the end of season but only p4!!
  • so u gonna be f2p from now on lol... as long as the big spenders "waste" 10k for a new champ (and get 4*) kabam's fine 😎
  • YES! we're aware of that, and we hab the issue that people placed their defenders and a few days ahead of season start we reminded them to place cuz some were missing... and the answer was "wtf?! we allready did that!" so they placed again on every map available (3 of them)!! we are tier 3 what should've been tier 2 but…
  • fr?! he is a member of the mcoc community... so y shouldnt it matter? and i'm tired of these people, so y not try 🤷🏻‍♂️
    in pls ban! Comment by Seb12 May 1
  • the single one and the last message on the other one are insults, thats it... the rest just makes him look stupid cuz he was looking for his map 8 nodes on map 6 🤡 its not game chat, but line app which is game related, his account name is the same ingame
    in pls ban! Comment by Seb12 May 1
  • i guess this bug is by far the least important to fix, there are like several thousands to fix before that one, so sersi sig ability bug fix 2025 🤡
  • the post fight screen is also bugged... you were able to tab to skip it and move on, now you have to wait... but hey, at least we got an april fools event 🥳
  • 2 wars in offseason, i cant even find a single defender with tactic! even though there are defenders placed who have the tag... id like to test but couldnt yet... its really sad what they did to the game!! its not contest of champions anymore, its the contest of bugs vs bank accounts...
  • you were right, kabam at its finest again 💪🏻 we won the war and points were multplied with 6 instead of 7... if anything else in the game was working properly i wouldnt complain but this is bs 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 100% agreed!! plus… theres still that parry/evade issue!! we had to return to map7 in order not to have our loyal alliance mebers rage quitting…!! kabam had a great idea to activate map costs again, so were lucky to spend tickets again to get our asses kicked and empty our potions… and guess what, even map 7 now is just…