Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Part of that reason is because of what Kabam is experimenting with this season, in the way that they tier and matchmake people. Another part of that is the points farmers, because you basically have a 50/50 chance that when you run into one- you either get clobbered because 99.9% of the time their decks are insane; or you…
  • It is, but when you get much lower ranked rewards from the solo event than you probably should’ve- don’t come complaining on the forums about it. There are point farmers everywhere.
  • I’ve told this particular alliance mate who has been doing this for quite a while, that I think he’s a loser. He and I don’t get along very well. It doesn’t bother me that he and I do not.
  • Thank you, I will look into that.
  • If I hadn’t have used the units, me and my alliance would’ve never finished; and I’d have never gotten my 7500 7* shards that then added more sigs to my 7* Sunspot (huge win in my book) But I definitely see where you’re coming from. In my eyes every alliance should be entitled to some sort of compensation, especially due…
  • So far I’ve used about 2k worth of units, and every.single. free revive they give you in the store. This is my first ever time raiding, and I don’t think I’ll be doing it again after this.
  • Titania (if I get decent RNG) has worked decently well for me too. But along with the bug that if you “knock him down” only proccs with a heavy- this fight is just nothing but pure, absolute RNG and tedium. Kabam owes everyone compensation, for us having to deal with such a fight changing bug- in a mode where every bit of…
  • No. This fight is a massive PITA. Especially if you’re playing as vanguard.
  • Hard disagree with this here. They may not take forever to complete sure, but this fight is almost entirely RNG reliant- being as if the AI doesn’t allow you to play in the way you need to do to finish your missions; you are done for. With that unblockable really tying all this frustration sandwich together in a bow, this…
  • Now that this post is front and center of this forum here, I really wish I could’ve worded this differently. As I was more so just making this post to vent out my frustrations, rather than for it to garner this much attention from varying people to comment on it. I’m glad it’s becoming more of a respectful (for the most…
  • I would absolutely love this. This is a phenomenal idea. You should copy and paste this reply to my post, and make it its own discussion. I’m sure many people would agree with you on it.
  • Funnily enough, I used to be horrible at math. Until I became a machinist/welder/fabricator. I had to learn how to get better at it, really really fast. Lol
  • You make a very valid point, I’m glad this thread is no longer people dogging on me for raging- and is now coming to more of a (at least sorta) civilized discussion of sorts.
  • I am actually working on these as we speak. Thank you for the advice though.
  • You’re right, and I did wind up winning quite a bit against much more stacked and better decks later on too. I believe I was more so just beating down on myself, so I was already going into the matches “beaten” if you will. Thank you for the helpful advice though, I hope you have a fantastic day; whenever you get around to…
  • My deck is sorta near that, but I don’t have my entire deck at R5 quite yet. I’ve also been putting off doing story for a very very long time, and am just now getting around to speed running (basically what I’m doing) through act 8.
  • This one however I will make a response too, because I think this is a bit more respectful at least a little bit. No, the fact that they spend “half their life on a game” but still generate income doesn’t mean they don’t spend an insane amount of time playing the game consistently/ semi consistently. I know of many many…
  • I’m not even gonna dignify this comment with an actual response, as you’re clearly just trying to rile me up. But I will say this, after I made this post- about a day or two later; I started handed people their butts on silver platters. More than a handful of masters level players, and even a few allies you may have seen…
  • Hulks SP1, that dang ground pound part clips me. Every. Single. Time.
  • When I made this post originally? Absolutely. Now that I’ve pushed into GC and have actually learned to “get good” again? No. It was a problem on my end at the end of the day, by not playing with enough confidence- so in actuality I had already the lost the “mind game” before the match even started.
  • Honestly, yes I think you’re right. In my previous replies to people, I believe they’re taking me for an egomaniac- when in reality it’s quite the opposite. Only reason I said what I did, is because I know for a fact it’s true. These people are just now better than me roster depth wise, so there’s not much I really can do-…
  • Respectfully, I believe you may have misread what I put. I said that I was tired of facing players who are 2-3 mill (mostly) higher rating than I am. I have faced many people this season, who when I saw their accounts afterwards- my jaw legitimately hit the floor. I even almost beat a 10 mill account, who is one of the…
  • All valid points that you make, and when this post was originally made I was definitely more than a little full of myself. Since this post was made however though, I have climbed into GC, and went on about a 12-14 game win streak. I even beat multiple current top 10 ally players! At the end of the day, it was just me-…
  • I was with you until the bugs part, my inputs drop semi regularly, my game crashes mid fight, amongst other less annoying things. Don’t try to stick up for Kabam, this game has been plagued by bugs for years now. Ever since that patch where they “messed with the AI” Respectfully.
  • But that’s just my thing though, I don’t think I have reached my “ceiling” or “peak” I’ve been as high as almost celestial during one season of BG’s, but I took a much needed and long awaited break from the game. Of course I’m gonna be behind everyone else, but BG’s has never felt this “unplayable” without an insanely good…
  • Because to be honest with you, I’m better than about 90% of the people I play against. I have a vast knowledge of the game, the skills to boot; but am lacking roster wise. BG’s is just incredibly infuriating, when the only reason I’m actually losing; is because my opponents really can’t get a bad draft. Due to them…
  • That’s not what I meant at all, so it’s fair for them to find me; when they’re easily 2-3 mill higher than me and play the game way more than me- but me to not find people I can beat easily? Sounds a bit hypocritical if you ask me.
  • I’m referring to the time battle to get the legend title in game. Multiple people in the newest list, have very very lackluster accounts- yet they beat other people who competed with stacked ones. I just hate seeing things like this happen. Kinda just makes the fun of the competition pointless.
  • Congrats yall, especially the ones who beat the modders by playing legit
  • I’m pretty solid at intercepting, but the issue I’ve had is I’ve only got a handful (maybe) of champs I can use in this meta that counter the node that are ranked up. I don’t take many champs like warlock, OS, Omega Red, Ghost, etc.. up because I kinda find their playstyle pretty boring in my opinion. Though this meta…