ShoNuff29 ★★★★
Nope! lol… same reason I’ll clamor for an OG GR buff as well. Favorites are favorites.
Let’s not forget that 6* SW couldn’t happen because she would break the game (according to Kabam Miike… citing that he had played with the 6* version and told us she would)…. Now we have 7* version and even then, needs a synergy for most to use her. I’d at least like the CCP to be able to play those champions at the higher…
Would love something like this because I miss playing Magik. Now that r4s exist, her power level can’t truly compete, so maybe they’ll FINALLY give us the 6* version of the regular Magik as well.
Even synergies can’t save him lol. And that sp1 power burn is a joke 🥴
Need to be able to leave champs in (like crucible) and do other stuff for this to be worth doing. This way you can randomly do a fight whenever. Grinding this out straight through for 5min per fight is no bueno.
Love that this is in her kit.
Not crazy at all, especially if you play BGs because then you can be super aggressive. I’d save the stones for someone else though.
Definitely agree here. I think their plan was just lower SWitch to 400 total and people be fine with it, but for those who saved to get her and then resaving to dupe, that suuuuucks. Trade-in on greater credits when it flips to subscription should at least be 1.5:1 ratio if not 2:1 … also, would love to know if there’s at…
Did they take away the stackable disorient?
Proposed future “fix”: Synergy with Shuri that turns her shock to plasma Synergy with M’baku that turns her bleed to rupture Bring my boy in game! with critical ruptures and major physical resistance and strong resistance to frostbite and coldsnap.
The surfer slander has more to do with what most people WANT him to be. His kit and utility is outstanding, but he’s one of the most popular comic characters and many of us wanted him to be stronger so we would play him more. If Surfer could do Gamora/Angela damage (right away and not in some perfect niche match up), he’d…
We’re beyond overdue for Blue Marvel
This! I’m hoping Ares then opens the door for Zeus in MCOC. An Olympus vs Asgard storyline/challenge would be 🔥… hopefully an incredible Zeus/Odin synergy too.
If they did that, I’d just hand over my wallet lol
The The gun could be cool for the sp3, but he needs that axe in hand for regular combat
Please Kabam, I beg, don’t make him mainly a defender. Go ahead and make him borderline game breaking on attack, as the God of War should be!
lol. I’m well over that for points, but even then, with 20k points, that still wouldn’t be insane. That would just be 10 t6b, 10 t3a, 1 titan crystal, etc. wouldn’t be insane at all. I also understand there would/should be a cap. Maybe at 100k points.
Oh I doubt there will be, but there should be. Filler being t6b, t3a,t6cc is great. Being valiant for a year and the filler being 5700 fragments of it, awful.
I’m just saying…
So many mystics, but no 6* Magik (cries inter dimensional tears)
Will these come in on top of our usual 2 per month marvel champ release, or will they be taking the place of a champ when they come in (the way Isophyne is)?
Community: 2024 champs been solid, but not exciting Kabam: take a look at Spiral and Dazzler! Community: Nice! Ok Spiral and Dazzler coming in November. Can’t wait. Kabam: nope! We’re holding Dazzler til December Community: (saves titan shards for mid-Dec titan that will contain both champs) Kabam: hey, we’re gonna make u…
Not sure this fits what the community was hoping for asking for less old champs. Now we have to wait 33% longer for the crystal champs to update, for a chance at what, 2 more new champs? 3? This doesn’t seem like a win. Would’ve been cool to stay the same and maybe let us vote on the old champs that get added each crystal.…
More than 1 bcuz I’m mad about Dazzler too. I thought we would have a chance to immediately dupe her in the Dec crystal. Now that chance has to wait til march.
I agree with half of that. I don’t see T7B being involved either, BUT… that’s only because I think it’s gonna be a big sell point/chase item of the banquet event. Cyber to r3 your roster and Banquet to start the r4 process. Just my guess…
If a 7* Magik was available, THEN I’d be desperate 😜
If you’re FTP, then there’s probably a much greater value in it than people who spend… even if they “only” spend during big events. The 7* pool is still relatively small in total and doesn’t get massive drops of new champs. They’re trickled in. If you open crystals fairly consistently, you’re likely to end up with the…
Congrats! You’ll never worry about Serpent or Onslaught again.
I’m all for this right here! Blue Marvel is my most wanted add to the game. Should be an offensive powerhouse. Super Giant (and Thane) should definitely be added. Kabam goes in runs when it comes to classes/good champs, so I’m thinking 2025 is gonna be a big year for SKILL.