What value would you place on a 7* awakening gem right now?

We're about to find out how much Kabam values them, with the approach of the Cyber Weekend and Banquet events... How many units or how much of your respective currency would you part with to awaken your favourite champs?
I expect the value will massively depend on your progression in the game - as a mostly F2P, lower end Valiant player with a reasonable stack of units in anticipation of the Banquet... I don't think I could justify more than 5k units? Also considering the time it took me to acquire them and the fact you could spend the dough and randomly awaken the champ from a crystal tomorrow. I expect them to be priced at at least twice that amount.
I expect the value will massively depend on your progression in the game - as a mostly F2P, lower end Valiant player with a reasonable stack of units in anticipation of the Banquet... I don't think I could justify more than 5k units? Also considering the time it took me to acquire them and the fact you could spend the dough and randomly awaken the champ from a crystal tomorrow. I expect them to be priced at at least twice that amount.
I would pay no more than 3000 units, only because the 7* I have other than maybe Serpent who kind of wants the dupe, don’t need it anyways, I suppose I can save it but my patience isn’t there lol.
2,500 units or $50 cash
What I could understand it being:
5,000 units or $100 cash
What I expect it to be:
$500 cash
Maybe we will get lucky and an awakening gem crystal will be a top milestone in the banquet.
Especially since dazzler is coming so it'd be perfect seeing as she needs the high sig. Personally I'd use my gem on her
Personally though, I wouldn't place it that high. Kabam has always overvalued awakening gems in my opinion.
You raise a good point though, I've got plenty of champs I'd *like* to awaken but none I really feel that *need* for, not since awakening Korg and Attuma anyway.
To the point, I think this is a subjective question. How much we WOULD spend is always grossly different than how much the value is set as.
But not one damn penny.
(Okay, if it cost one cent, I'd obviously spend it).
The second part is why I don't value an awakening gem at the price point they will be set at. They're an amazing item to have but I could spend £100 and it be effectively for 1 Sig stone if I spin the champ out again.