Skunkcabbage ★★★
Yeah we got him down too! Will be great to bank those extra Raid revives for 1 gold and have 7/7 ready for the next Raid to help us when the difficulty will be higher after the fix! 🥳🥳
I bought all the 5* Sig stones and 3* Relic shards up thinking it was a bug and it would get taken away. (More Relics are apparently getting added this year?) Is it official that we get to keep the lower items?
Come on, you can do better than this. Please don't make me go and get the Room Temperature IQ title out..
Bugs are high in protein.
You can still just buy them though, and the cap wouldn't do anything about that. P2P won't be stopped 💪
He's balanced, literally the balance team signed him off so he's not getting changed he's been fully approved.
Sometimes I need to go and make a sandwich during a BG fight, or watch a YouTube Short. If they removed pausing in BGs it would be really inconvenient.
Yep, I discovered this recently, I've probably lost 10k+ marks in total, I didn't realise the cap was so low at only 9k.. Since I found out I've been using marks almost exclusively in BGs and have used them all the way up to GC, even then it's hard to stay under the 9k cap. My advice is to delay claiming the marks at the…
Yeah it's just annoying, I wish we could take a different route to bypass it and avoid the popup..
We have 7* AGs now, so you could just pull him once and wait out a gem?
Agreed - also if you look at the unit card offer it has not "doubled up" the quantity, so there's different formatting conventions being used concurrently within the game RIGHT NOW.
Ah man, you're right, it says X2 X2 - with it circled like that it looks like you're buying 4 in total. It shouldn't have the X2 on the T6CC as well as the text, it needs to be just one or the other IMO. Well spotted!
He will likely go into the basic pool at some point, he's already been in paid-for special crystals, which makes me think it's just a matter of time.
I can see you're very passionate about getting her and the change has really inconvenienced you. I'm sorry that you've been disadvantaged like that through no fault of your own - it's not fair. My advice is to take the compensation, adjust your expectations and move on as your energies will unlikely yield any favorable…
My 2 cents: 1. The rewards will, on the whole heavily depreciate (except emote rewards OFC) 2. The difficulty will become easier in some circumstances where the challenge allows higher rarity and rank champs (so long as you're willing to invest in the champ) 3. The cost of doing the challenges varies wildly depending on…
I'm literally super disappointed now. My whole day is ruined.
@Demonzfyre - can you confirm?
I did it for you DemonzFyre - I did it for you..
Basically you're about to be told that: 1) It's been announced everywhere, in game, in forum, on stream 2) You should have known about the Sigil being removed for two weeks while they work on the new version of the Sigil 3) You have no right to be upset, it's all your own fault and nobody should be able to empathise, or…
Demonz and I are actually friends at this point (unilaterally) 🫶
If Kabam Dork held my hand I'd scream stranger danger and run away. I would escape him
And you obviously know how to make a pointless reply.
You're saying you understand, but you're acting like the Sigil reducing from 25 down to 20 for storage is normal and completely fine. Nuance seems to escape you.
Are you being deliberately obtuse? The cap is 20 instead of 25, using your numbers, meaning 5 items cannot be stored and are at risk of expiring if it's in overflow. Come on, it's not that hard to understand - please keep up!
So you concede it's a problem and items were lost due to it. E.g. 3-5 L2 solo revives is 120-200 units of value
I don't think he's had the Sigil before IMO, so he doesn't understand how it works. I understand what you're talking about though and agree it's frustrating.
I don't complain about lack of communication, don't be a spiteful goblin.
So is it my fault for not checking that the Sigil was being overhauled and turned off, so that my stash wouldn't increase? Or is it Kabams fault? Or is it nobody's fault? This situation feels extremely messy 😭
Also the inventory cap hasn't increased? My 7* Sig stones overflow didn't increase, I think I just lost 25 generic 7* Sig stones that were due to expire on Monday..
Oh, I never saw that popup, thanks for letting me know, I must've dismissed the notification without looking at it.. Not sure how they could compensate me accurately for not doing any/many milestones because I haven't put my time into the arena because it's not there, and others may have hit max milestone WITHOUT express…