Skxxxty ★
Thanks guys
Join now, all are welcome
Back to the building bench, join us for a fun laid back experience
Odd that the updates aren’t available in the respective app stores in a timely manner for everyone
Android and iOS. The android update was available sooner. Just got the iOS update a few hrs ago
I updated both of my devices yesterday and today and still don’t have the calendar
Moved out some dead weight. Room for new members. Aq 2&3 and war tier 14
Have to land heavies to remove indestructible charges. Would mordo be a good future pick here since I usually heavy off of a stun and he would astral evade a hit while stunned. I know it’s not a sure thing but a wrinkle at least?
Add me in game for info Skxxxty
Running 2-3wars a week and 5 reps of aq3 looking for some decent active new members
The wording here was not clear to me at first either. I brought a low level heimdall to alliance war and got an unpleasant surprise. Maybe it should say up to 15% of the amount of missing health.
Still looking for active new members. Don’t need to be hardcore or boss killer just participate
Officer post possible after a season of war
What I bring to the table
It’s kind of like government taking rights away from law abiding citizens to curb lawlessness. It doesn’t work. Those who want to break the rules will just exploit weaknesses elsewhere. And guarantee they will reintroduce it and ask us to pay another $30.
I thought the whole point of gifting abuse was that units were being illegally obtained and then used in game. Isn’t that the real problem and not gifting specifically?
Maybe I should claim the units and change my name to Ungroundedwisdom...
Please don’t delete previous post, it is respectful and constructive
“Hope to bring it back in the future” that seems a little disingenuous unless it will be free to those who previously bought it and the 300 units was just for the inconvenience of being without it temporarily
Sorry for the term I used, but it is trolling. I thought that was hat global was for
My previous post were deleted. Just don’t think making people feel dumb about their frustration is very helpful either... trolling people who are upset is not constructive and leads to more anger
Sym spidey just hits hard
I won’t claim this insult of a reimbursement
This is totally bogus cow pies! I want my badge or my 30$ I bought it a long time ago to help support my alliance in war and quest. I would not have made that purchase if not for the badge. This is fraud! Some players cheated the game so the game cheated the rest of us. Enter rage face here.
I play about an hour at a time 2-3 times a day and the game has been closing down at least twice a day. I run newest iOS on a 2nd gen iPad mini. This issue is a few weeks old but just tried logging in four times consecutively and each time I entered a fight it shut down, back to home screen, and had to reload game. Please…
I also had a magneto show up in the middle of the screen before a fight recently so don’t know if other issues exist. Deleted and reinstalling app, we’ll see.