
  • Hi i’m interested. My ign is sobo102
  • Hey are you still recruiting? I live in HK and my ign is sobo102. I have whatsapp
  • It’s still on right? I’m thinking of going for it
  • Would greatly appreciate if we get an official reply from Kabam pls? I’m confused as hell becuz of this... I have a lot of stash in my mailbox and I’m wondering if I need to claim them within 1 week or 1 month..? @"Kabam Miike"
  • We got the compensation. I hope everyone here can receive what they deserve. Good luck
  • Yes we’re still waiting for an update on this thread
  • I’m worried that they might say that again they are only going to give to those who had this issue from before the app update. Kabam Miike did not mention any of that on his post. You can never know when you’re about to get kabammed
  • @DarkestDestroyer The support desk confirmed that we didnt get any events after Nov 7, which is after the app update. And it was only after the app update on Nov 7 that expanded the pool of alliances having this issue. As more people like myself complained about this on this thread, Kabam looked into the issue, AFTER the…
  • Here’s an update for everyone else on this thread. So basically in order to be eligible for the compensation you need to have had this error before the maintenance on Nov 7. Because our alliance had this issue only after updating the app on Nov 7, we are not eligible for ANY rewards. Even if most of us on this thread…
  • Look at this support desk guy. When I sent emails to support desk, they refer me back to this thread LoL. Here, @"Kabam Miike" tells me to send an email to support desk. LOL.
  • Can you at least look into my alliance and confirm that statistically we did not trigger enough Valor to trigger any events during 11/6-11/10? We actually increased Valor activity and I really dont understand how we didnt get any valor events during the event but as soon as you rolled out the fix we got back to back valor…
  • So even if I sent you the screenshot where the test of valor icon was missing in the home screen.. that was not part of the bug??????? I don’t understand @"Kabam Miike"
  • Really? So you asked people on this thread to send you pictures and we did, and it seems some of us who sent those pictures (including myself) were still not part of the alliance who were affected by the error? How is that possible? Lol
  • @"Kabam Miike" All of us on this thread would like some updates on whats going on. Many of us spent lots of time on this thread only to be seemingly mocked by kabam’s response saying “its not a bug, its a bug, there will be compensations, it will soon be given out, its already given out but youre not eligible, there was an…
  • Wow.. who got the compensation? This is really frustrating @"Kabam Miike"
  • @"Kabam Miike" No members in our alliance received the rewards. @"Kabam Miike" you should reply to this thread when kabam can confirm that the rewards are given out. (But pls dont just shut down this thread) I thought you guys looked into the issue when me and some others on this thread sent screencaptures of our home…
  • Thanks for this update @"Kabam Miike" This sounds reasonable. I’m glad you guys were able to identify all alliances that were affected. We havent recieved the rewards yet but will be looking forward to it. 👍
  • It has been more than 10 days since Miike said there will be a resolution for the error in Valor event after the update. Miike said the 250k valor sent to everyone is separate from the resolution mentioned above. Any updates? Where are you @"Kabam Miike" ? An interim update would be appreciated.
  • @"Kabam Miike" I’m glad you can at least admit you were wrong and that it was a bug.. Now, this is very complicated. The fun part of ToV was that everyone had a different interest in the event (5* shards, valor, valor rank rewards) But now, the compensation, if any, is likely going to make the more high-ranked, heavy game…
  • Same here. Still no ToV
  • @LeNoirFaineant what you said is so true. Because @"Kabam Miike" said we weren’t receiving enough valor to proc the event in earlier threads, in the past two days I completed heroic (100%) and master. I also did much more featured arena than I normally do just because of what Kabam Miike said. This is the case for not only…
  • I dont know how to PM but I will find out and send..
  • Still getting none
  • Thats the thing. We don’t see the test of valor icon and this is what all the alliances that cannot trigger valor event quest have in common. Kabam should seriously look into this issue. This is so unfair. We’re working so hard to do more arena and event quests to trigger the event but still 0 since the maintenance. This…
  • Join the other thread on this issue. There are other alliances having the same issue
  • No helmet in the front page. This has been the case for everyone in our alliance post update.
  • Hey Miike can you confirm that my alliance’s activity is just not enough to trigger an event? Because we are completing more event quests than before and our hard core arena grinders continue to play a same level of arenas and yet we had 0 valor event quests after the maintenance. We used to get 2 valor events before. It…
  • Our alliance has plenty of very active members playing the featured arenas and event quests. It seems weird that we havent seen a single valor event quest after the maintenance while we had at least 2 everyday before, with the same players and same game play hours. It seems some other alliances are having a similar issue…
  • I hate it. Simply too ugly.