Soumemiakas1926 ★★★
Ok I did 2 objectives with Dragon Man and She Hulk but the fight is pain.
Nice one
So even if I have completed every single hard content in the game I still have skill issue for a really hard fight right?
You misspelled easy with hard
You know just saying "sKiLl IsSuE" doesn't make you superior human being.
I completely agree with this I actually did abs fight. I have done almost every fight besides the cassie lang last week because I didn't have the right champions ranked up
I completely agree with this
Ok thank you I'll try that. Thank you 🙏
Thank you for your support. It seems you are the only person I can communicate with. I'll study the fight more and then come back. Appreciated.
I hope not because I didn't say anything that should be banned
A dictionary actually helps a lot because you know you need actual words to make a sentence. "sKiLl IsSuE" isn't a sentence.
Well I'm quite close to break my phone soo....
Tone and facts are some areas that YOU need to brush op on. You are quite rude you know. Mind your attitude.
It is the hardest fight of all time and it's not even close
This is definitely the worst designed and lame fight ever
I do that and then he instantly does a heavy again and kills me. I can't react in nanoseconds. If that's your definition of skill issue then it is.
Your tone stinks. People who only say skill issue are incapable of completing a sentence without a dictionary.
I'm an endgame player who has completed every single challenge the game has brought since the very beginning. So it's not a skill issue. It's definitely FIGHT ISSUE
Yes it is
It's supposed to be a hard fight. Not an impossible to solo fight for casual players. Why should I spend revives to complete a fight that shouldn't be so hard in the first place. There must be a limit in difficulty you know.
It doesn't make sense to make me interrupt a heavy while unstoppable and even if I do that he immediately does a second heavy in a millisecond and kills me in one second. How much sense does that make to you?
The fight is way more difficult than it should be. It's designed to drain revives and units.
Yeah spam disagrees. What a miserable life for kids.
What I said is my opinion and a fact simultaneously. If you can't accept it stop discussing.
My opinion is correct. And a fact also.
Absorbing Man fight was a piece of cake compared to this.
The last 2 weeks are the most difficult weeks of all time AND THAT'S A FACT.
I hope none of them get voted
Ok thank you
Focus on Domino she's op