
  • Invisible Woman Signature ability: No loose ends Who is it?
  • A lot of champions need a buff immediately, but the one I want the most and I think deserves it more is Magneto. He's not only one of the most powerful mutants and villains in the comics, but he has such a variety of abilities that could be used to improve him in the game, it is even easier to make a decent rework with…
  • I agree that Magneto should have the advantage fighting Colossus, but I think it should come with a full Magneto rework. Maybe if Kabam decides to finally improve Magneto as a lot of people is asking, they redo Colossus so he's not armor break immune against Magnetism, or Magnetism is remade so Magneto ignores Colossus…
  • Storm: give her new Special Attack animations or new Basic Attack animations to explore more of her weather control power and make her cause Coldsnap and Frostbite
  • Magneto: Heavy Attacks and/or Special Attacks cause additional effects/debuffs and damage to characters under magnetism effect and just increased base attack
  • I also think it would be more interesting if Iceman was immune to Coldsnap and Frostbite damage like Electro is immune to shock damage instead of being immune to the debuff itself. I'd like to see Iceman being immune to Coldsnap/Frostbite damage and then he receives a damage increase while under these effects, or maybe if…