
  • Because I want to play with the new champs and the only place 6*s are kinda not enough is in bgs.
  • You know there was a comic after beating Glykhan right? They didn’t bother with the other Ouroboros members because they’re still kinda generals at the end of the day whereas Glykhan has been leading the assault and is the mouthpiece for the Chronoserpent.
  • I did the Apoc fight a bit ago. I remember facing that bug but it was purely visual. I couldn’t keep track of the light counter because it wasn’t updating but Apoc’s persistent charges would go down on occasion so it still seemed to be working fine for me.
  • No, neuroshock is its own thing.
  • Swear to god way too many people have rose-tinted glasses on for act 6. Act 6 on release wasn’t a puzzle, it was a bs mishmash of every defender and node with little regard for any counterplay. Admittedly they started learning towards the tail end of act 6 and the Grandmaster is an undeniable highlight of story content…
    in 9.1 Comment by Squidopus September 18
  • Well-timed blocks are a subset of blocks. All well-timed blocks are blocks, not all blocks are well-timed. If you wanted to be technical to an obtuse degree then yeah they are indeed not literally the same but they certainly aren’t “totally different” as you also said. Any game interaction that occurs on block also occurs…
  • It really isn’t necessary. Performing a well-timed block means you were already blocking before the attack hit as well; if you weren’t, you wouldn’t have blocked the attack. Well-timed blocks are just a type of block where you started it just before the attack landed, they aren’t categorically different as you’re…
  • r2 7* Maw vs. max ascended 6* Maestro. Underrated attacker if you know what you’re doing and can time his sp2s with the falter. Not top 10 attacker or anything and there’s definitely room for error with him but he can pull his weight on occasion if you need him to. Defensive value is dropping slowly with the drip feed of…
  • This isn’t bugged behavior. Stand your ground lets you block heavies. If you can block the attack, then there’s nothing stopping that block from being well-timed (and as we’re all aware, the ai is quite good at doing well-timed blocks these days). If you perform a well-timed block against a basic attack that makes contact,…
  • Don’t have Patriot, but have had Leader for a while from a lucky featured crystal pull. Leader’s really not as bad as people make him out to be. Needs a buff for his damage but he’s still a solid choice. I don’t have Count Nefaria so I can’t exactly confirm my feelings myself, but despite their overlap I’m confident that…
  • If the heal block was indeed active and the secutor attack tactic was active then that would be a bug. I haven’t been having this issue so without some more details or a video/image of the bug in action I can’t really speculate as to what’s going on unfortunately.
  • There are units in this event. 300 total, which is… roughly half the units to buy one of the most expensive profile pics in the store. A little more than half actually. Idk it really feels like people are just taking this as much more of a personal slight than is warranted. This is a test event that was explicitly stated…
  • That doesn’t sound like a bug on its own. You only ignore miss if you have a heal block effect on the opponent. If you max out Shuri’s shock debuffs, or if you’re overloaded with precisions and can thus only inflict shock passives, then you no longer have the ability to inflict debuffs and thus can’t retrigger/maintain the…
  • As for OP, I haven’t had any issues preventing miss with secutor attackers. If you’ll forgive the basic check, you are selecting secutor as your attack tactic before joining every war correct? Tactics don’t automatically apply nor are your selections from previous wars saved, and you obviously don’t get the benefit of the…
  • Evade usually works like this, but miss (what the tactic causes) can very much trigger mid-special. It’s just that most miss effects are guaranteed and unaffected by ability accuracy so it doesn’t come up much. I don’t have an official announcement to point to, but the word from Pseudosane (one of the community mods or…
  • Shocker is just a puzzling decision that I assume was some form of mistake. Red Skull however is fine because even if he can’t inflict debuffs fast enough he has his own heal block debuff attached to his heavy and secutor works with any heal block, not just the passive provided by the tactic. It’s the same logic behind…
  • Sorry man but provocateur ain’t beating post-nerf magic thief, let alone pre-nerf. Release day magic thief was a special level of hell and I’m not sure if anything worse than that will ever get by even Kabam’s minimal testing and quality control (barring bugs).
  • Not a bug, just a very rough node combo. I don’t blame you, I got caught out by it too. The “cross counter” node requires you to knock down Shocker with a heavy attack to avoid damage, but the “to defenestrate is to care” node makes him unstoppable on the final hit of the heavy and you can’t be knocked down if you’re…
  • It’s literally just any form of non-hit physical damage. Trauma burst damage, general bursts of physical damage, whiplashes, ruptures, etc.
  • Does that work anymore? Used to when we had one mastery setup but nowadays people have a dedicated war defense mastery setup that automatically applies for you. Wouldn’t surprise me to know that people run unfazed in their war defense setup to catch things like Kate vs. stun immunes but don’t bother in their normal mastery…
  • I think like half my rank ups qualify for this question depending on who you ask. Note I refuse to do rank ups purely for defense; rank ups like Attuma, Maestro, and Man-thing are champs I like using on offense a lot that also happen to serve me well as defenders, but I’d never rank up someone like Korg because I don’t…
  • Leader’s a bit underrated, but only in the sense that quite a lot of people can’t see nuance and either think a champ is god tier because they do everything well or they just completely suck. Does Leader need a buff? Sure, but really just in the damage department. He’s got quite a lot to like otherwise. Unpurifiable…
  • No shout outs for Gorr yet? He’s just as much a cheat code for Orochi as LDS, arguably more so. Stacks DOT debuffs very quickly and easily, plus he triggers regen buffs when inflicted with Orochi’s bleed and poison passives so he can stay at max health for most of the fight. Focus on light ending combos to maintain your…
  • I was having trouble with my champs I brought in to deal with her, tried Onslaught on a whim who happened to also be on my team, and just nuked her. Getting heavies in between the footloose buffs to pause his effects was a bit challenging but otherwise he melted her health.
  • Got a lucky fight with Zemo where I brought her down to 25% before dying, decided to just concede a revive to finish the job and collect some of the SOS rewards. Maybe I’ll try to get a solo later but for now I can’t be bothered, I’ll work on 9.1 and come back for the other objectives later.
  • The intended fight design seems to be using the petrify debuff from the node and Photon’s base kit petrify passive to control your power gain and prevent yourself from taking unnecessary damage. It’s still some tight timing though.
  • Jesus trying to get Zemo to work and she’s holding block during root more than she ever has before, which can very easily be a disaster with the petrify debuff when blocking lights. Might just get 9.1 done first and come back to Photon later.
  • Reading the nodes, as usual, gives you the answer. EQ Nefaria has a prime time passive that reduces the ability accuracy of all damaging effects by 100%, disabled temporarily by punishing his specials. As long as it’s active, you get no rupture debuffs (or incinerate if you didn’t use the prefight).
  • Don’t get the hype for Toad with Wolverine relic. The regen rate boosts don’t help because Toad’s regen rate can’t be modified by outside sources, the vicious only affects Toad’s middling poison debuffs (not the much stronger passive poisons or burst damage on sp2) so not much value there, and neither of the ability slots…
  • Haven’t gotten it yet but I actually got a separate interaction between them instead so here’s that instead: