StephD87 ★
Interesting! I didn’t know that. Thanks
I mean 5000 Mysterium on Valient Bundle 6. Not sure how to edit my last comment.
But it costs 3000 mysterium to get 1 ticket which in turn gives you 100,000 gold. If i just use the 3000 mysterium on Valient bundle 6 i get 3,000,000 gold plus iso and tier 1 celestial alloy fragments
Tell my wife that...
Should make his sig ability OVER 9000!
I watch a cartoon (super hero squad) with my kid and silver surfer turns into the dark surfer in the second season and looks just like that lol
I just got a 7* nexus from a valiant crystal and these are my options. They’re all great so I’m not sure who to pick. I also know nothing about Wong.
Why can't I get the team builder to change from Path 1 to Path 2? It won't let me "make a copy" so I downloaded it and no matter what I do it stays on Path 1. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Who is Eren?
I think he means the greater / supreme solo CRYSTAL that we get 110,000 shards from as Valiants. I think the gold and ISO crystal should be bumped up a bit. I can't get more than 25,000 gold per 5 pop.
this is actually new info for me ( tbh im a low lvl player), but still after playing 3 bgs seasons i didnt know tht. So is it like if i ban 3 champs tht i also have and the opponent bans 3 diff champs which were also present in my deck then are there effectively 6 bans? Bingpot
This guy must be really clean because he seems obsessed with giving you guys baths lmao
I don't know about you but it seems to me as though this debate/discussion ended in May 2023...
Thank you very much for sending this! I now see where I got confused. I was under the impression the 7 star was added to the base pool today lol. Thanks again!
Any chance you can add the link where you found that she was inserted into the base pool today? Thanks in advance
I haven't opened a crystal yet but normally when there's new champs in the basic pool they're shown in the preview as the "top prize".
Still not seeing Kushala
Tech might be Skull, Ultron or DH while mutant could bring Onslaught, maybe Sauron or the new NC. Just wild guesses here… Dr. Zola Tech was Nebula, unless they use another tech which is possible.
Doc Oc
Got Cap Sam with the original incorrect crystal aaaaaaaand got Cap Sam with the new one… oh well lol
I don't even care about the 7 star R1->2 or even R2->3 materials. All I wanted was a way to obtain more 7 stars and there is only 1 in the LAST milestone... otherwise you have to get lucky to only get max 10% of a crystal (1500 shards) with GBC. I know there's the 7 star guardian crystal in there too but I'm sure the odds…
That's interesting because this is the response I received from support…
I just submitted a ticket explaining what happened and stating that they can take the champ I got back and refund the crystal so I can try my luck again once Warlock is added.
I believe I had a 5* black widow relic with my aegon. And I have an iPhone 14.
I had the same issue and just kept pausing the game to see what the prompts were. I just kept throwing in revives at that point hoping it would eventually work out lol.
Yes I ran suicides the whole way. I'm sure it's not the most effective in some areas but didn't bother to move masteries around. I'm nowhere near close to having the materials needed to R5 my Aegon and didn't want to spend units on Cyber Monday Deals just for Aegon.
Thanks! I ended up getting a Tech R2 -> R3. Currently have Mysterio, Rocket and Lady Deathstrike. I'm going to wait for Warlock to be added and use the 2 - 7 star class selectors to either get him or Shuri to R3.