
  • Not sure where to put a character buff wish list but mine is OG Hulk. Hulk Buff They could keep a lot of his current kit as is. Leaving his special attacks abilities as they are as well as leaving the animation of the character the same. I don’t like how in the current build you only get a little tine bit stronger by…
  • I like the idea of a hulk buff and I like your ideas sidghh. Here are my ideas for a buff; Hulk Buff They could keep a lot of his current kit as is. Leaving his special attacks abilities as they are as well as leaving the animation of the character the same. I don’t like how in the current build you only get a little tine…
  • Hulk Buff Hulk Smash! We all know the longer a fight goes the angrier hulk gets. Every 10 seconds gain a passive fury increasing attack by 12% with a max stack of 10. Hulk cannot land critical hits instead all would be critical hits are fury instead. Hulks gama radiation allows him to shrug off debuffs 70% faster. Hulk…