Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Currently, Annihilus has their Signature ability erroneously set to 1 - it should be 0.

The team will be fixing this issue ASAP.

Thank you for your patience.


  • I don’t know how you agree with people who exploited the she hulk glitch and knew it would be patched at some point and that they should be rewarded for their time spent exploiting a kabam error and get to rank her back down when she’s not as good anymore! You just sound like someone who ranked her up and used this error…
  • If they can’t do rank down tickets at least just update all the garbage champs that are relevant like Antman, og hulk, cable, or colossus again so you don’t have to basically max their signature skills for them to be useful
  • This is the first time ever they’ve given rank down tickets for a specific champ, and it’s by far the dumbest thing I’ve seen them do in the game, no one ranked up she hulk before and when she was made strong and there was a glitch to exploit everyone ranked her up, but everyone who did it knew they were exploiting a…
  • People who have been playing this for multiple years and say they don’t need or want a rank down ticket after new champs are added regularly and old champs are being adjusted to actually be relevant now are just ignorant, so much has changed since the update like 2 years ago when we got rank down tickets
  • It’s to rethink who you’ve ranked up after so many changes have been made to all champs, it’s insane that we don’t get them again. Just make sure to only give 1 for each star value, like only one 5* rank down ticket, it was only ridiculous before because they gave so many at once, so people exploited another flaw in an…
  • And multiple champs have been significantly changed and added, so it seems pretty validated to get them
  • Read up on why and when they were first distributed, the exact words balance of power were used
  • They only exist for a situation that needs a balance of power, which the contest desperately needs among its diverse champions, because some are just immensely weaker than others, especially older champs compared to new champs added in the last year. That was just an example, not all old champs are completely weak but most…
  • Everyone here who’s hating knows they could really use a rank down ticket, stop acting like you’re above it! New champs have come in, old ones have been adjusted, everything is changing in the game but a past decision to rank someone up can’t be rethought and changed when all these major changes are occurring around us?
  • Having them for this is even more dumb, they’re saying if they make a mistake and have to nerf or fix a bug, that you should exploit it as much as you can and then they’ll reward you for it when they make adjustments
  • We should be given something for not just trying to exploit their huge mistake right away
  • People are being given a reward for exploiting a known flaw with a champ that was expected to be fixed. If anything it’s disrespectful to other summoners who didn’t exploit the flaw in an update that still needed patching
  • They should have given out rank down tickets when they made Gwen and she hulk better in the first place in case people wanted to rank them up
  • They made gwen the most evasive and hard to hit in the whole game, a top tier defender and clearly are making up for how good they made she hulk and are admitting the glitch they overlooked
  • The she hulk buff is fine, but would have made sense after about 20 other champs, the new champs they add are ridiculously better, and they obviously messed up the she hulk and spider qwen updates compared to everyone else. The colossus update is incredibly weak compared to the other 2 I just mentioned. Before all of the…
  • I guess people just like how strong she hulk is now, so they hit disagree, but if other weak old champs were that strong people would feel differently
  • Kabam has been slacking hard recently with the game and new updates, and just been lazy in adding new champs that are way too strong in comparison to older champs in the contest
  • Obviously their mistake in a previous update of her wasn’t intentional , she should never have been updated in the first place compared to champs that are relevant though, and if people ranked her up because of that flaw in design they should know it will be fixed at some point as well
  • I realize that, but she hulk was so irrelevant in the first place they shouldn’t have updated her to be so strong and made an issue that needed fixing. There are way more relevant characters that are weak with huge flaws that need a real update or should just be taken out if they’re too lazy to fix them in comparison to…